My name is Minethe Owen, I am South African and currently reside in Oxford in the United Kingdom. I am married and have two beautiful daughters.

My family and I currently attend and serve at the Headington Baptist Church in Oxford. I have always been involved in children and women’s ministry but feel that God is challenging me to do more and differently.

I dedicated my life to God at a very young age. I believe God has called me into a teaching ministry. I have been fighting this for most of my adult life(I am 42), because I never felt worthy as I did not have the means to pursue a qualification. Moving to a foreign country challenges a person in so many different areas but is also such a blessing. I now find myself able and ready to pursue a sound and Godly education. I spent many days searching for the correct course to follow as I am not sure how long we will stay in Oxford I had to find an online course that I would be able to do from anywhere in the world.

I fully believe that God wants me to study and complete my degree at CLI and ask that you will partner with CLI to enable people like myself to complete our studies and go out into all the nations to spread the Gospel.

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