My name is Michael Owen; I am 52 years old, divorced with no children. I had lived in Syria most of my life till I was thirty years old when I left to come to the United States in 1993. I was raised up in a Moslem Society, but I was going to Roman Orthodox Church with Family and friends. Currently; I work in a restaurant as a cook to cover my expenses everywhere, and I am sure my Lord will help me finish all the way if that was His Will. I lost my Father in 1994 after he had a bad heart attaches at age 62 which is very young but it is God’s Will, no matter what, and nowadays, I live with my “angel” of a mother and she is doing great.
I was always close to Jesus deep in my heart and He was on my mind all the time until 2009 almost when I was graduating from College; I had that feeling that I should leave everything behind and follow Jesus, which of course was an invitation from My Lord I believe.

Recently, after long searching all over the internet; I saw online CLI, and I was very excited to find the help I needed to finish my ministry dream in America. It is so interesting to do ministry in America and so easy and enjoyable to be with The Lord.

One night I saw The Lord in either a vision or dream, as a person of light showed up in my room with three angels around Him, but I did not recognize that dream till after a few days. I was very happy that God was inviting me to become His child and servant, or at least I looked at it this way. Jesus and God and Mary always were on my mind, and I loved them so much, believing in the Holy Trinity and the Bible. Then I had that feeling that I should go to school and become a pastor to do something for Our God Who has done so much for us.
I got baptized couple of years ago at my 48th of age, and I wanted to live a life that is pleasing to Our Lord, so I decided to become a Pastor and a Servant Of God which is the word that I identify with most. So I started to live a life according to the Will Of God. I felt that my life is much better after giving it to the Lord, and I felt peace and joy and contentment like I never had. After talking and praying to God daily, and reading the Bible; I have a new heart, and I feel like a new person that I never met before and I am very happy with that.
The key experience in my life that prompted me to pursue ministry is my huge desire to lead people to the Lord, and to save whoever I can save of them.
No unique challenges in my geographic area, or at least I can not see anything that could hinder or challenge me to reach my goal.
My Church does not know about my study except my pastor who I will tell later because it is a huge Church, and I will tell the people I know about my scholarship because they will be happy for me.
My Family encouraged me too and played a great role in my decision that they think that is a great one for my future.
This scholarship at CLI is very important to my ministry dream,
And I want to thank CLI for it which change my life, because CLI is about to make my dream come true by becoming a servant of My Lord, so I will pursue this course to learn everything I need to know and to be ready for my task toward God.
Please; I am asking everybody to pray for me to be successful and make a good pastor that the Lord will be happy with me, and everyone would be proud of me especially my family and friends since they are waiting for me, and keep on asking about how things are going so far.

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