I grew up in a Southern Baptist church here in Jefferson City. While my Grandfather was a Sunday School teacher and my Grandmother was the pianist for the church, I grew up in a broken home and faught going to church often because of this. My mom was a believer but my father was not. Out of laziness and at least one parent that never wanted to attend I fell away from the church in my preteen years. It wasn’t long after I fell away from the church that I was introduced to drugs and alcohol. I spent my teen years and most of my twenties drinking, doing drugs and chasing desires of skin.
About a year and a half ago I was cleaning my life up. I had found a good paying job and started as a volunteer with a local fire department. During this time I was on my back porch one night and heard acalling in my head. I was told to stop what I was doing and join the ministry. To go with God and to never look back. Well here I am, not looking back!
My ministry dream is to not just teach those who may be lost, but to also show them, that living in God’s favor is not just possible, but fairly easy to do! My ultimate goal is to work with at-risk children through a church as well as having lots of support groups for drugs, alcohol, grief or any other ailment that God can use me to help with. I refuse to limit myself to old traditions of man.
Being unemployed at the moment I will not being able to proceed with this school unless I get a scholarship. I generally do not like asking anyone for money, but in this case I am not asking for me. I amasking on behalf of Jesus so that I may have the tools to spread the Good word.
I pray and hope you will pray with me that our Father in Heaven blesses this path in my life. That He will put the people and resources in my path so that this mission can be as successful as I dream. I pray He continues to lead me down apath that will grant me eternal glory. I praise Him for delivering me from the path I was going down and delivering me into His grace! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
Mark has finished the Christian Basics Certificate. He continues to advance his Training to Preach the Gospel thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.
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