Have you ever studied God’s design for human sexuality? Do you desire more marriage sex education? Are you engaged or newly married and want to get your marriage sex off to a great start? Are you a frustrated spouse who wants to learn what the Bible says about married sex?
Even though our sexuality is one of the essential parts of being human, we hardly ever talk about it and God’s design. The sinful world exploits sex as a means of making money. Pornography reduces sex to visual and sensual pleasure. Many Christians have reduced sex to a necessary duty.
Christian Leaders Institute shares a tuition-free mini-course, “God’s Design for Sex.” This course may change your life and marriage sex. Ruth Buezis, the author of the book “Awaken Love,” shares the Biblical understanding of human sexuality. God’s Design for Sex is one of the most popular mini-courses at the Christian Leaders Institute.
- Be introduced to the subject of God’s design for sex.
- Learn the role of procreation.
- Learning how to have sex is a way to know each other better.
- See how comfort and sex connect.
- See what the Bible says about sex and pleasure.
- Learn how sex can be a defense against temptation.
- Learn how sex can bring you refreshment.
- See how sex is connected to spiritual growth.
How long is this marriage sex course?
This course can be completed in less than 2 1/2 hours. That includes going through a quick onboarding getting started class as you enter into Christian Leaders Institute.
This mini-course is for you if you:
- are single or married and want to ground your sexual identity in the Word of God.
- are engaged or newly married and want to get your marital sex off to a great start.
- are currently married and frustrated that you and your spouse are not on the same page regarding marriage sex issues.
- are a minister, wedding officiant, marriage minister, youth minister, or chaplain looking for more resources for those you serve.
- are a sex education coaching minister helping clients grow in the Biblical understanding of sex.
- desire to teach or preach a series of Bible studies or sermons on God’s Design for Sex.
- want to seek healing in this area of your life where the distorted views of sex have injured you.
Step One:
Register for your free Study Account at Christian Leaders Institute. You will be automatically enrolled in a “Getting Started” class that teaches you about navigation and other essential study topics at Christian Leaders Institute. Christian Leaders Institute offers over 150 mini-courses, skill classes, and complete college-level courses. The Getting Started course takes about a 1/2 hour to complete. You only need to complete Part One to enroll in the marriage sex education course. Part two is for those who may want to pursue credentials at Christian Leaders Institute, CLI’s Leadership Excellence School, or Christian Leaders Alliance.
Step Two
Enroll in God’s Design for Sex. Type “God’s Design for Sex” in the courses tab, and you will find your course. You are also invited to take other courses on marriage sexuality at Christian Leaders Institute.
Recommended by mh
“I have taken this marriage sex mini-course at Christian leaders Institute. I loved it; it helped our marriage, and we want to promote it at Marriage Heat” Christian Leaders Institute courses are not just for ministers, any Christian will find their courses transformative. – Missy
100% More knowledge
In the past, I suffered from porn addiction. Praise the Lord. I am now delivered. I have learned more about how sex is also designed to bring a man and wife together when things have been troubling in the marriage. This is a tough subject to teach; the instructor answered a lot of questions I had….this class humbled me. I know 100% more today about sex than I did yesterday. -Rory
Pastor recommended
As I am a pastor, very helpful! It’s made me examine my own relationship with my wife. It has made me want to ensure that my wife’s needs in sex are also fulfilled. I think this course has the perfect balance of information and depth. – Chris
Exceeds expectations
It has helped build a foundation for what God intended sex within marriage to be. I loved the breakdown of the different purposes. Some I’d never heard before. This Course exceeded my expectation. – Jessica
Opened my eyes
This class has really opened my eyes! I saw how sex is designed by God and even can bring comfort, refreshment, and draw us closer together as a couple and to God at the same time.
This was by far the best discussion on sex that I have ever encountered. I truly loved the “mirrored section” between sex and God, and also when she had us rub our wrists, that was powerful. – Sharlynn
Helped me
I was not confident or curious in my own sexuality as a woman and wife. This course has begun a change in me to be more sexually expressive toward my husband. I appreciated how this course breaks down the different purposes for sex. – Abigail
Opening Up Conversations about Sex – Many Christians have questions about sex. This course opens up many sex-related topics that Christians will find interesting.
Song of Songs – Have you ever studied the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon)? Maybe people are not aware of this marriage sex-positive book. Dr. Lloyd Carr brings us through this Biblical mini-course that will encourage and surprise you.
Victory Over Sexual Sin – Are you looking to overcome sexual sin? Are you looking for more tools to serve Christians who struggle with sexual sin? This course will help!
These mini-courses are free of charge. Just sign up for a study account at Christian Leaders Institute.
This course is perfect for an active Christian who wants to study the Biblical perspective on sex. This Sex Education and Conversations course would also be great for officiants, ministers, and coaching ministers. Sex education-trained Christian leaders and clergy are needed to encourage and teach the Biblical perspective on sex. Click here to read more about it.
Sex education ministers educate and create conversations that promote the Christian worldview as it applies to sex-related issues. These ministers lead by helping Christians be faithfully married and single (faithfully unmarried).