I am currently living in Germany and have been in this country for about 15 years. Before I traveled to Germany, I had a dream and saw a light coming from the sky directly to me and I was carrying Jesus as a baby. Later on, I saw Marcel Passport picturemultitudes of people surrounding me and I was directing others to give them food as well as where to sleep. While in Germany, I was invited one day by a sister to visit a living Church in our area. I accepted the invitation and started visiting the Church. Within some Months, I was asked by the Pastor to do the administrative work and also take care of the finances of the Church. It wasn’t an easy task to execute, but the Lord keep on motivating me to humbly do the job without complaining.

I had many challenges because people who were there before me never wanted me to do the job. I had to constantly called a meeting with the Pastor and the people in questions to discuss things amicably. After some years, my family and I have to relocate to another city because of employment.

In this city, I am assisting the Pastor in every area of the ministry. It is still a small Church and we are having a serious crisis. I have been thinking of doing a Pastoral course at a later time but due to the crisis we are having at the moment, I don’t want God’s children to go astray. My Pastor no longer want to continue the church and besides have a serious problem with the wife that is affecting the church. Everyone in the church is looking upon me and I am not fully equip to handle the challenges. I will be more delighted if I can be given the assistant to take care of God’s children not to go astray. My local church is not in a any position to support my Ministry calling. We are in a serious financial crisis and I am the want trying to support the church in my own little way that I can.

A scholarship at CLI will be the answer to my dream of doing the Pastoral course to save souls for the kingdom of God in this region and beyond. I have been longing to do the course but due to financial circumstances, I have been postponing the training. I will personal needs your prayer to assist my Pastor and the family. Additionally, we need a constant prayer to support the ministry to grow in unity, love, peace, care for one another and support the weak.

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