Made For A Time Such As This!

I am A.J. Williams of the U.S.A.

In 2011 I experienced one of the lowest points of my life, and in that moment, while I was on my knees in my driveway pleading with God, I made the conscious decision to GIVE my life to Jesus, and live from the point on with God at the center of my life. I experienced a dramatic spiritual transformation in which I came to understand the work of Christ, and felt deeply overwhelmed by his love and compassion for me even in my unworthiness.

From that point on, I found myself consumed with the Word of God, pouring into every page and understood the Bible to be a living, breathing well-spring of knowledge and wisdom, applicable to my own life. I began to let the Holy Spirit lead me in my journey of understanding the Word, and truly began to grasp the sheer POWER of what it had to offer. I began studying the Hebrew and Aramaic versions of New Testament to get a more full understanding of the Words of Yeshua (Jesus) and began to understand the connectedness of the Christian faith to its Judaic roots.

Although I threw the concept of possibly attending Seminary around, I knew realistically speaking that the probability of my being able to take out any more student loans would be impossible due to my already insurmountable amount of student loan debt I had accrued in my early twenties.

Even still, I wasn’t ready to rush into becoming a minister, especially since I didn’t necessarily feel I was ready. However, I prayed that if there was a way to attend school affordably, that God would reveal it to me, and I came across CLI not too long afterwards.

While many foreigners may consider the United States a golden land of opportunity, my view is that there is still a great deal of social injustice and the LOVE of GOD is not being extended to those who need it the most. My inexplicable LOVE for Christ and all that he represents is something that I would pray for everyone in this dying world.

My spiritual dream is to grow in the Word of God and offer a beacon of hope to counter hatred, especially towards young people. The enemy has caused great dissentions within groups of people, and I know that is NOT the will of God; our God who is one full of unmatched, incomprehensible LOVE.

Receiving a scholarship through Christians Leaders Institute would be a confirmation and answer to my prayer of being able to attend school to grow in the knowledge of God.

I would ask anyone to pray that God provide more clarity in the area(s) in which I should pursue ministry as I continue to walk in my destiny!

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