Local Ministry Training-Christian Leaders Institute
Local Ministry Training
Join today and receive free local ministry training. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the training to answer his call from God to become a local minister and reach out to the Lost:
Hello, my name is Robert (Robbie) Groover and I was born in 1965. I live in Sevierville Tennessee with my wife, Nancy. She was my high school sweetheart. We started dating in 1981 and have been married since 1986. We have a daughter that is married with two wonderful kids. Our son is not married and states that he is not looking because he doesn’t have time to devote to a wife.
I grew up in Canton, Georgia (40 miles north of Atlanta) in a Christian home. I attended church my entire life and accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age. My mother and father were both active in the church. My mother taught Sunday school for as long as I can remember. My wife and I began helping her early in our marriage. In life’s journey, we are all presented with choices to make. Instead of allowing events during different seasons in my life to draw me closer, I allowed separation in my relationship with God. Other choices brought further isolation and separation from family and friends. All of this because I would not heed the call into His service. When God has a plan, He has ways of making His service a priority. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far we run, He is already there. He closed many doors back home and gave us only one option, which we did follow. He will spit you out in whale vomit on the beach that He desires. In obedience to His call, restoration began in my relationship with God. Through daily studies and communion with God, I began writing devotions highlighting His power and Grace.
In 2015 God moved us to Sevierville Tennessee, God created a platform for me to work in His ministry. Our ministry is through an online radio and media ministry of teaching and encouraging others. My goal, or what God has laid on my heart is two-fold. First is to reach the lost in any way or opportunity that God allows. Secondly, to teach the truth that is in the word of God to new and mature Christians. I want to encourage and inspire believers at any levels.
In following God’s call and being obedient, my wife encouraged me to seek formal local ministry training. Because of the lack of funds, I was led to Christian Leaders Institute. The classes and training that I have received (to date) have been a blessing from the beginning. CLI has helped with my daily communion with God as well as strengthening my foundation. Every class is structured to bring a better understanding and knowledge of God in our daily lives. Each lesson builds off of each other. The foundation is strong in Biblical Doctrine and Theology. Many say “you get what you pay for.” I disagree with this statement. With CLI, I have been given a great gift that I did not pay for, except for the work of studying. Another reason I disagree with this statement is that of what God did for us. He has given a gift that we cannot pay for, cannot work for but can only accept. I love the free model of training that CLI has structured because it emulates what God has done and commanded. God’s command was to go out and make disciples. He did not say charge them an arm and a leg. We are to trust in Him to provide and that is only one of the models that I will be using from CLI. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to receive this local ministry training from CLI.
Given a platform from God to speak and represent Him as an Evangelist is truly an honor. God has placed a passion in my heart reach the lost, as well as encourage believers. The world is jacked up and screams very loud against God and His authority. People are seeking the truth, but the culture has programmed them to come at this search with a slanted opinion (anything but God). My calling is to reach out to those seeking and help them find the truth in God’s word. While busting and exposing the lies and myths that the culture has ingrained in their mind.
My local church and staff have been a tremendous support in my calling. My Pastor encourages the whole church to step outside the comfort zone to reach the community. The staff focus is in on God’s work. A favorite saying and something Pastor lives by is “God gets the glory, we do the work”. He stresses that we are the hands and feet and we follow the will of our Master.
My ministry may have started with the roots in radio and media. However, this does not mean that personal interaction is not our goal. God is great and I feel has great plans for this ministry to reach many on a personal level. I am working on starting small group studies during the week. How this will look is not determined yet, it could be in a restaurant or possibly in a home group setting.
I do ask for prayer that we stay faithful to the calling of God. That He gives us the ability and passion for staying bold in proclaiming His name and glory.
Check out more stories about CLI students receiving local ministry training and becoming leaders in Christian ministry the on the CLI Facebook page.
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