Local Ministry Leaders

Local Ministry Leaders

Local ministry leaders are being raised up everywhere. Meet Taylor Browning: 22 years old, oldest of four, homeschool graduate, daughter of children’s ministers and resident of Chicagoland, U.S.A.

I accepted Christ when I was four years old, with both my mum and my dad as witnesses. I was influenced by their faith, and I do believe that even at that young age, I was convicted of my sins and understood my need for a Savior. I have been striving to walk with Christ ever since.

I currently work for my dad’s office furniture company. However, most of my time is spent volunteering in ministry for my church. I love working with children, teaching them about Jesus and what it means to serve Him. I am very involved in my church’s children’s and youth programs including Sunday School, youth group, Pioneer Clubs, Bible Quizzing, Vacation Bible School and one-on-one mentoring. My mom has been the Children’s Minister for my church for 12 years, so my involvement began as a “drafting” of sorts. But then, my passion grew, and God has blessed me with more and more opportunities to share His love.

I am a firm believer in local ministry leaders settings. Some, God has called to be sent to the far corners of the earth, and others God has called to minister to those around them. I believe God has placed me where I am for a purpose and I am fulfilled in work He has given me. It is because of this work that I have been limited in my options for higher education. To go to a traditional four-year college would take me away from the ministries I so long to continue working in. Even going to a local community college would conflict with most of my children’s and youth ministry activities each week. I am praying that CLI holds the solution to my situation. CLI’s degree program would open the door for me to continue ministering while attaining formal training.

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