Live For God Through Ministry - Caribbean Student at CLI

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Live For God Through Ministry – Caribbean Student at CLI

I live in the Caribbean, which is located in the West Indies. I belong to the lovely island of Trinidad which is known as the sister isle of Tobago. In Trinidad, persons are open to hearing the word of God which makes it easy to express one’s belief freely without having to hide or be afraid to show who you are in Christ. The greatest challenge is finding persons who are truly willing to take up the mantle and go into the communities and tell others about the love of God. Just as anywhere else time is the biggest hindrance to spreading the word of God.

The days seems so short that sometimes it is so difficult to do all that is needed about strengthening oneself through God’s word. Through my teenage year, I took the time to seek the Lord but due to little guidance, I always strayed from really finding my place in him. After getting married, my husband and I decided that we should find a new foundation in which to start our new family. June of this year will be our 12th anniversary and December of this year will make it 11 years serving the Lord. My dream is basically to be able to be a Christ-like example to my two children and those that I may interact with on a daily basis. I just want to be able to equip myself such that when called upon I will be able to answer the call.
I am at present a Sunday school teacher for beginners ages 3-8. I want to be able to help children that don’t belong to a family that trust and depend on God. These children that attend my Sunday school class may only hear the word of God on Sundays when they come to church, so I must be able to find ways that will keep then wanting to know more about God while they grow. It is easy to focus and try to accomplish all that I can in Christ because my husband is also a believer and my children are between the ages of 4 and 11, so there is really no hindrance family wise. Everyone in the family has one main focus, and that is to live according to the word of God because as parents my husband and I are trying to instill this in the mind of our children.

My main goal is just about staying focus on what I will like to accomplish which is to live life, according to the word of God. I am not quite sure what my calling is, but I know I have to be fully prepared for when that time arrives. I believe it is better to be prepared and wait than the time come, and you are not ready. I know that in time God will make my purpose clear to me as to what He wants me to be or where He wants me to go. It is all about having God lead; once he is in control, I am positive that there is no room for mistakes. At present, I am enjoy doing activities with the beginners that help them understand about God, his love and all that they can have if they will just trust him.
At the time, we believe that children at this age will not understand who Jesus is, but they do. They may not be able to express themselves but little by little the teaching that they receive make a great difference in their lives. I am truly blessed to have this privilege to make a difference in the life of a child. Being focused will make this very easy, but most of all I am just making sure that when God is ready to place me where ever He choose I can say yes Lord I am ready. I will like prayer in the area of not losing focus of who I should be in Christ and what I need to do as I use the word of God to help others who may be unsure of their purpose in Christ.


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