Life Coaching Ministry Training at CLI
Using CLI Ministry Training to Reach Women with Life Coaching
My name is Dori Sandstrom, and I am studying Life Coaching Ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I have been married to my husband, Jeff, for 25 years. Together, we have five children and one grandchild. We currently live in West Virginia after living all our lives on the West coast (Washington and Idaho). Some of my hobbies are hospitality/entertaining, crafting, decorating, writing, and cooking.
I was raised in the church and can’t remember a time that I didn’t have faith. However, it wasn’t until I was in High school that my faith started becoming my own. Over the last six years, God has used some difficult situations to draw me closer to Him. These situations also flushed out my quiet sins of pride, control, envy, and judgment. I praise God for the current pandemic, which has given me time to dive into His word like I never have before! I have learned so much!
Call to Ministry
I love to serve and have volunteered in my local church ever since I can remember. Helping run children’s programs, women’s ministries, and singing with praise teams were all part of my service over the years. I was the Executive Director of a Pregnancy Crisis Center for three years. As a teenage mom myself, I have a passion for women facing unexpected pregnancies.
In the past, the need to do things perfectly held me back from trying many new things. It also led to a legalistic religious view. While I still struggle in both those areas, I am growing in grace every day by the grace of God. My goal is to help other women who feel alone and “not good enough” to see how loved they are by their heavenly Father. Then, I want to help them overcome their personal walls and hurdles and take practical steps to live a life full of God’s grace and freedom.
Ministry Training
For the last six or so years, the idea of becoming a Life Coach has been floating around in my head. Money has been very tight for our family. I’ve also been homeschooling my children, so I put that dream on the back burner. The idea has been pressing more and more lately, and I have been praying about an affordable way to become a Life Coach.
The Lord brought me to the Christian Leaders Institute, and I’m leaping in faith. As a stay-at-home mom who homeschools, the fact that these classes are online and free is the only thing enabling me to move forward toward the goal of becoming a Life Coach. Hospitality and exhortation are my passions. I love to encourage women to use their talents to serve their families and the Lord. The CLI training for Life Coaching will give me the tools I lack to serve women in my church and community. I’m not yet sure how it will all flesh out, but I am taking steps of faith, one at a time.
Current Journey
Currently, God is developing a love of His word in my life and impressing on me His gift of Sabbath. I am learning to incorporate the habit of rest and renewal in my daily life.