Life Coach Training Online at CLI


My name is Bonnie Geurkink. I live in Eau Claire, WI (USA). When turning 50, I decided it was time to change my life. So, I am taking Life Coach training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible courses, Click Here).

My Early Years

I grew up in a Christian home. Church and its activities were part of our daily life. When I had my own family, my children called my parents “Grandma and Grandpa Church.” They still call them that. I had a personal relationship with Jesus and even attended Christian schools. However, I rebelled against my parents a lot because life only revolved around our church family and our nuclear family wasn’t as important.

Marriage and Challenges

My rebellion was odd. I became an overachiever. First, I went to a technical college after high school. I graduated with an associate degree in Chiropractic technician/radiology in one year. It was a two-year program. Then, I moved away, got a job at a Christian Chiropractor’s office, and met my husband. Unfortunately, we were not equally yoked. Our beliefs, values, and upbringing were nowhere near alike. We had a rough 13 years together, and then he let me know our marriage was over. All through this, my church family was so important to me.

I knew at the time of my divorce that God was in control. He spoke to me constantly. The first year, it was just the kids and me. I would wake up with a Praise and Worship song in my head. After that, my children attended a counseling group, and afterward, I would drop them off. Many nights, I literally ran to my Bible. I could not get God in fast enough. I had many trust and control issues after my marriage ended. But God was always faithful. I remember my son, at perhaps seven years old, telling me, “Isn’t it great, mom, that Jesus will never leave us like dad did?”

Miracles and More Challenges

My two children seemed to have a gift for finding friends in need. Therefore, we often had extra mouths to feed and sometimes clothe. But, as always, God kept pouring his blessings out. I remember one time our water heater went out. So, I went downstairs and laid hands on it. In the Spirit, I prayed that He would repair and restore the appliance in faith. God healed the water heater!

The house next door to us is owned by the city and is an emergency shelter house. All who live there are hurting. That has been our mission field for years. I firmly believe that when your heart is with God, Satan loves to attack you. At times I take that as a fabulous compliment. However, after continued issues with my ex-husband, my own insecurities, my daughter being sexually assaulted several times, court dates, and the trials with that, I really started to wonder about where God and I were going.

The Faithfulness of God and My Calling

God stayed faithful. He released me from a job that sucked the life out of me and opened the door to another job. It was what I needed in the long run. God brought a Christian man into my life, who was also a bit lost but missing a partner. He wanted to make God a part of a marriage. That was almost four years ago. We started helping more in our church and with various charity and mission areas.

The call to do more came very strong during COVID. At clothing giveaways, I spoke to many people. The people were lonely and wanted to be hugged, touched, and not be forgotten. My manager teased that they should put a couch in my area for all the “counseling” I do at work. I looked into going back to a traditional college for psychiatry and was accepted to their program. However, I realized that is not where my heart is. I understand the need for counselors, but I want to specialize in looking forward. I acknowledge that we all have a past. However, I want to help others look forward to their goals and how to achieve them.

Finding Life Coach Training at CLI

Free training is unusual for me because, being a single one-income mom for years, I had to “get the most for my buck” always. With the Christian Leaders Institute offering free Life Coach training, I am doing it and sharing with others about Jesus. I’m also proving to myself that I am not doing it to get my money’s worth. I am doing it because this is what God wants me to do! As with salvation, you can’t purchase it. It is a gift from God that you accept. This training is a gift, and I accept it and share it with others. Thank you, CLI, for this Life Coach ministry training opportunity!