Life Coach Ministry
Life Coach Ministry
My name is Thomas Moore, and I am called to Life Coach Ministry. Let me tell you why. I live in Rochester, New Hampshire (USA), a city of approximately 31,000 people in 46 square miles. There are about 26 churches. Rochester has a history of factories to employ the local and surrounding areas. Like many small-town American cities, the factories have closed throughout the years.
Today, Rochester is a melting pot of denominations. In the past few years, there has been an explosive use of illegal drugs running rampant throughout the city. Many Christian leaders are working to find these small groups that live in the shadows. They need our help.
Foundational Early Years
I was raised mostly in Virginia. My parents are USAF veterans. My father transferred to the Pentagon, where he worked until he retired. We were a Catholic family who went to church every Sunday. After church, we would tour the Museums in Washington, D.C., or picnic at the battlefields of Manassas or Fredericksburg, VA. My parents wanted us exposed to as much culture, literature, and history as possible. I attended a Montessori school at a young age, then, St. Francis of Assisi up to the 2nd grade. From there, I attended public schools and had to participate in CCD.
It was at St. Francis, where I felt a strong attraction to the church. Rain or shine, the stained glass windows always radiated sunlight. The nuns were teachers. When it was time for mass, I remember how exciting it was to be able to sit in the pew, listen to the priest, and sing hymns. I felt that Jesus opened his arms to welcome me to his church. Oddly, I felt as though I wanted to be the man behind the pulpit talking about my love of Christ and our way of life.
I was fascinated with the Bible and watched whatever religious show would be playing. I never stayed up long enough to see all of the Ten Commandments. When I switched to the public school system was when I became busy with sports, friends, and anything else I could do. My flame for the church seemed to fade throughout the years. However, my love for Jesus was never-ending, and the Bible was always near. So, I would seek out my questions of the day.
Life Journey to Life Coach Ministry
Time moved forward, and I took on roles much too mature for my age, causing me to make quick decisions. I entered the USAF looking for education and experience, hoping also to find a career. It turned out that I had a different calling and left. Endlessly, I searched for who I was and what I wanted to do. I married at 24 and raised a family. My two daughters are my world, and I thank God every day for them.
I entered the business world of consumer and commercial finance and lending. We attended church every Sunday, and my girls were in a great Catholic school. Sadly, my job took over my life. The money was great. We were able to do things, vacation at Disney, and buy our first house. I remember pulling in the driveway and staring at the shutters on the house wondering how they got painted blue. Since I spent so much time at the office, my home became a mystery.
My marriage ended in divorce after 15 years. I moved out while my daughters stayed with their mom, and I was the one who they would come and visit every other week. I became very stressed out. Alcohol became my self-help counselor. I entered a relationship with Pamela, who I am still with today. We both worked. She was divorced as well, had no children, and enjoyed my daughters. It seemed that life was unraveling itself.
Some Struggles
I had an accident on December 8th, 2008 that damaged my lower spine enough to take me out of work permanently. I went on Social Security and Disability in 2011. During those three years, I was not allowed to work nor earn an income. I lost my medical insurance, which, of course, caused substantial financial hardship. The pain pills increased, “try this one, try that one,” the doctors meant well, but it came in the form of prescriptions. All the while, I still drank, which increased. My life turned upside down. It was a very confusing time for us.
In 2012, cancer took my oldest brother, and in 2015, it took my mother as well. Drinking became an everyday thing as life threw more and more problems my way. I think it was the fourth visit to the ER, after consuming too much alcohol, that I cried out for God’s help. It came in an instant. That day in the hospital, I remember being unconscious in a place of comfort, warmth, and safety.
When I left that hospital, many changes occurred. I published my first children’s book and am working on many other stories. My relationship with Pamela repaired. Her belief in me helped me focus on change. My counselor recommended that I “reinvent myself.” It was a confusing statement to me. How could I do that? It took a while for me to figure it out.
My “Aha” Moment
I was downstairs at my desk when I happened to glance at the small, flat ceramic piece on my desk. It was an imprint of my hand at the age of six. It had scribed on it, “Tommy Moore, 1968.” I had done that at the Montessori school. I remembered how happy my mother was to get it. She put it on the bookshelf in the living room. She gave it back to me a few years before she died. Sitting at my desk staring at it, I felt a spark in my brain. I remembered how much I loved the church and all the things about God at that age. It reignited that flame.
My love for Jesus Christ grew twofold, and I searched for ways to keep Him close to me every day. I found Christian Leaders Institute and dove right in. The classes and awards made me want more, and I got a deeper understanding of my faith. The video lectures were stimulating; I took notes and succeeded on each quiz.
Called to Life Coach Ministry
Then, I was ordained with Christian Leaders Alliance! What in the world am I going to do with all this newfound success? That’s when Life Coach ministry surfaced. Boom! That’s it! I want to help people. People need to know it is okay to be confused about life and the fog or obstacles it can place in front of you. I want them to understand how important it is to have a saving connection to Jesus Christ! To reinvent myself as a Life Coach would be a perfect compliment of my experience while helping people find the answers for their life and goals.
Life is full of what-ifs, why, how, where, and when. There is a never-ending list that people create in their minds every day. If I can make a difference in their lives, that would be a joy for me.
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