The Bible school class Missions and Revivals gave Lee-ann Koster a new drive for the spirit of God. The impact of this class, offered at the Christian Leaders Institute Bible school, is clear in her reflection paper. She writes, “The people I read about were normal people there was nothing special about them, but God chose them to spread His word and by His way they did.” She then continues to say, “I always knew that there were people you spread the word of God, but I never took the time to read their story, I never knew how they suffered and that made me cry and lit my fire that God has given me even more, why should I be quite about His wonderful grace? Those people were just like me, they did it, they believed it, they spread it, they died for it, am I willing to do the same? My answer, Yes! I am willing to do it, I am able to do it, it amazes me what God can do, what we can do in His name.” God has used her experience at this Bible school to ignite her passion for the spreading of His word.Bible School

Bible School Certificates

Lee-ann started her Bible school experience with an orientation class called “Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate.” In this class, students are introduced to the Bible school structure and community used by Christian Leaders Institute, and they obtain their first certificate from the Bible school. The “Christian Basics” certificate offers each student who successfully completes it the opportunity to gain a scholarship to continue their Bible school education free of charge. It also asks the students to introduce themselves – their Christian walk and ministry dreams – to the faculty. Lee-ann describes her ministry dream this way: “My ministry dream would be to lead people to God, and to teach them of His grace, His forgiveness and His love.” This ministry dream to share God’s love has led her to seek a Bible school that will afford her the opportunity to study His word more deeply. It is through this that she found Christian Leaders Institute.

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