Learning to Counsel

My name is Kimberly Rosso. I’ve been married to my husband Mike for 20 years. We have two wonderful sons, Matthew and Tyler, and a precious daughter-in-law, Stacie. I was born in New York State, USA. We did, however, recently relocate almost 1,000 miles from New York to Georgia. I haven’t been a Christian all of my life. I was raised in a religious home, but not a Christian one. I lived a very ungodly lifestyle for many years. One night, about six years into my marriage, I was lying in bed and felt a strong presence that I sensed was the Lord. I jumped out of bed feeling this sense of urgency and told my husband that God is real, death is real, and we need to do something about it!

We eventually gave our hearts to the Lord at a crusade, started attending a bible believing church, and were baptized in 2004. While living in New York, my husband and I helped to plant a church in the area we lived in. He was ordained as a deacon and we were very active in several ministries there. I was blessed to be used by the Lord in these ministries, but one thing in particular that I felt, and still feel strongly about is the moments that God has used me as a vessel to give godly counsel to others. I am at CLI learning to counsel others in their walk with God.

During my lifetime, I’ve had some bad experiences and many hardships. I feel these experiences made me a stronger person, and have already had some opportunities to use these experiences as a testimony to help others. The funny thing is, I’m not the most eloquent speaker and am usually at a loss for words when trying to find the right thing to say. So, I know it’s only by God’s equipping that me giving counsel is even possible. I always pray for wisdom and discernment, and many times He has honored those prayers. I feel that the Lord wants me to be available to counsel others in some way. I don’t know how, but God does. One big challenge that I’m currently facing is that we just recently relocated from an area where we had a wonderful church home and a very large church family, to an area where we know absolutely no one. However, we felt very strongly that this is what the Lord wanted us to do. I know how Abraham must have felt when he was told to leave his home.

We are in the process of finding a new church home, and I am waiting to see how I will be used here. I know this world is full of hurting people that will seek counsel in ungodly ways. It is my hope that the training I receive through CLI will help to prepare me to be available to give godly counsel for those times that God calls me to do so. Learning to counsel others is a wonderful opportunity for me. I would ask that you pray that we find a church home, get connected with a church family, and that my purpose for being in this new land will be made clear.

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