Learning the Bible More Deeply at CLI
Ministry Calling
My name is Camille Jean-Marie Benjamin, and I have recently embarked on a small women’s ministry. I wanted to learn the Bible more deeply and found the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). Residing in London, in the United Kingdom, I have a long-standing career in teaching. I have formal training as a children’s nurse and a science teacher and have studied a Masters I Education. My passion is for empowering children and women. I am married and blessed with four children. I was raised in a Pentecostal church and baptized at the age of fourteen years old. All of my family remain dedicated as Christians, and I have always had a heart for Christ.
My Youth
I enjoyed church from a young age. I loved going to services with my parents and my favorite aunt. The music was always so lively and heartfelt. It moved me. However, as a teen, I wanted to fit in with friends, and my commitment waned slightly. In my early twenties, I reconnected with church friends and never looked back. I embraced every opportunity available in church, from Bible study to summer retreats and camp meetings. I discovered so much more as a young adult about fasting to strengthen my faith and outreach ministry. My love for the Lord and God’s word has continued to grow and has kept me grounded as a person. I aim to let His love shine through all areas of my life. It is a great pleasure to share my many testimonies of God’s greatness with friends and people I meet along life’s way.
My Spiritual Dream
Over twenty years ago, it was prophesied that I would become a Pastor or Christian leader. This is an experience that has happened a few times since, in different churches. I had heard about prophecy but didn’t take much notice and pushed any thoughts about it to the back of my mind. As the years rolled on, I felt a stronger pull to ministry. Now, I embrace the fact that God has a calling on my life. During adulthood, I overcame self-doubt and anxiety related to work, which affected my confidence. I really know Jesus as my personal Savior and my Refuge.
My dream is to develop my small Bible study group into a full women’s ministry that can lead non-believers to Christ. The hope is to continue to grow in faith and as a women’s minister. During the beginning of 2020, when the world halted due to Covid-19, the Lord nudged me to look for a ministry school. God gave me the confidence to use lockdown to learn the Bible more and deepen my understanding of it. Then, He blessed me with the Christian Leaders Institute. I knew I could not afford an expensive course, but I truly believe that when God calls you to an assignment, He will make a way. Thank you, CLI, for being the way that the Lord has made.
May God bless everyone on his or her walk with Him.
Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.