Leading Young People

Leading Young People

What happens when someone 21 years old becomes on fire for the Lord? What happens when that person is called to reach others her age and younger? Those around her are also inspired to grasp their faith. Many young people have gone to church while growing up. This action did not necessarily make them own their walks with God. Erica Ware was one of those young people. She writes,

I have been in the church since a very young age. My grandparents began to take me since I was a very small child. At the age of five, I loved to sing to the lord before my church. Though I have always been physically in the church, I haven’t always been spiritually there.

Someone needs to meet the Lord before they can lead other young people to the Lord! Many times young people who grow up in the church have not personally met the Lord. Leading young people to the Lord is difficult because many times these young people do not value their church experience. They did not develop “first-hand” faith. Ed Setzer wrote in Christianity Today

The reason that many church-attending young adults stopped going to church upon graduating from high school? Their faith just wasn’t personally meaningful to them. They did not have a first-hand faith. The church had not become a valued and valuable expression in their life—one that impacts how they live and how they relate and how they grow. Church was perhaps something their parents wanted them do. They may have grown up in church, and perhaps they faced pressure from parents and even peers to be involved in church. But it wasn’t a first-hand faith.

Church youth leaders struggle in leading young people to the Lord. Some youth leaders quit ministry out of frustration. Most Youth pastors say the key is to launch the young people who are on fire for the Lord and get them mobilized.

Erica Ware is one of those leaders who is getting mobilized to lead young people to the Lord. She is inspired by a vivid and active walk with the Lord. She shares,

I am 21 years of age now and have just begun to experience the true and wonderful love of God. I have begun to understand who He is and who He says that I am. One of my biggest struggles in my walk with God was acceptance. Now I have learned that the only approval that I need is that of God. Realizing that was a big step for me in my walk with God, and it has helped me grow tremendously.

Erica is preparing for ministry at Christian Leaders Institute. This free ministry training allows her to ground her faith so she can be more effective in leading young people to the Lord.

My ministry dream is to be able to be a leader/mentor to other young ladies striving to find their purpose and desiring to honor God with their lives. I want to lead a ministry for women who struggle in the same areas that I did as well as other areas. I want to help bring them to know the true love of Christ. I believe that CLI will allow me to be able to expand my dream as well as add to my success.

Christian Leaders Institute invites young people to take ministry training classes. You will begin with a Getting Started Class that covers the basics. All students receive free advanced training. There are programs of study that can result in a Divinity Degree for those who desire that. Sign up now for your free education. 

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