Leadership and Ministry Training
The Journey Doesn’t Stop Here
Hello There. My name is Deanisha Roberts. I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute for leadership and ministry training (Learn more about free online Biblical classes, Click Here).
Born in 1986, I grew up in the beautiful city that never sleeps, New York City. My parents are from New York and Virginia. I am the middle child out of three children. My mom passed away in October 2012. After her passing, I relocated to live with my dad in North Carolina. Here is where my journey started walking with Christ.
My Spiritual Journey
My spiritual walk with the Lord hasn’t always been as intimate as it is now. I grew up as one of the pastor’s grandchildren. My life back then was full of pressure. I had expectations put on me by church members as to how active and involved I was supposed to be. I had to join the choir and was pressured to be a lead singer. After Sunday school, I was told I had to stand before the congregation and summarize what we learned. All and all, I was a shy and timid kid. Dealing with this sort of pressure growing up deterred me from even thinking about church. Let alone attending.
Later on, into my adulthood, I found my husband. We met through dog training. Relocating to North Carolina two years after dating, we had no clue the life-changing events that were to come. After settling down and meeting my dad’s side of the family, I met my cousin Ty. She was such a peaceful person. There was something different about her that I gravitated toward. She introduced me to her home church. I was a little skeptical at first due to my past history of attending my grandparent’s Baptist church as a child. So one day, I went and the experience changed my life. Four days before our wedding, my husband and I decided to give our lives to Christ. We wanted to do things differently. We wanted to have God at the center of our marriage.
Life seemed great until my first pregnancy. About two months after my wedding, I was faced with the unexpected. I had an ectopic pregnancy. I was in a life or death situation in which it was between me and my baby. The doctors had to make the call of terminating my pregnancy and removing one of my damaged fallopian tubes. A year later, I had another miscarriage. Leaving my body in quite a state.
My faith was tested early in our marriage. If it wasn’t for God, I don’t know how my marriage would have survived. Glory to God, He placed the right people to fellowship with and keep us lifted in prayer. These people became our spiritual family to this day. God did bless us with a beautiful baby girl who’s now 4 years old. He also placed it on our hearts to adopt, so we have a beautiful foster daughter now. In time, our blessing manifested. We are sad about our two heavenly babies, but we are grateful for the family God put together for us.
Marriage Mentors
As time went on, God placed on our Pastor to ask us about being marriage mentors for our home church. My husband and I didn’t feel we were worthy of such a thing. Having been married for such a short amount of time. However, our Pastor told us to pray on it. Months later, our Pastor approached us again after service and asked the same question. We didn’t pray or think too much into it but decided this time to do so. Lo and behold, we decided to step out and get training for marriage mentoring.
God planted the seed that day. Something awakened in me that felt right and fulfilling. Hearing the Holy Spirit talk to me about moving forward in this area time and time again. In the beginning, I dragged my feet a bit. This all seemed like uncharted territory. Until one day, I began receiving phone calls from family members venting and seeking spiritual counsel for their marriage. I guess God has a funny way of nudging us in the direction He needs us to go. From that day on, I began to look deeper into being a true leader and counselor.
Leadership and Ministry Training at Christian Leaders Institute
My dream is to eventually obtain a degree in Leadership and to receive my Clinical License to become a Christian Counselor. I would like to open a center with my husband to help those people in need of Christian counseling for their situation. Life is hard on many, but we don’t have to do it alone. We need to apply biblical principles in all dynamics of life. Sometimes we need help from time to time as I did with my two miscarriages. It is such a nice feeling to be able to lean on someone grounded in the faith that has been through similar situations that can go through the journey with us. Someone willing to jump down in that hole with you and help you out without judgment or condemnation.
The leadership and ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute has been a true blessing for me. Having some financial troubles and seasons of struggling financially in the past, I feel confident in knowing that I can still move ahead with my dream and vision to become what I feel drawn to do in the Kingdom. I want to be about my Father’s business and in pursuit of that get the proper training. The education and meeting other people will help me get to where I need to in order to be well equipped for the role. Christian Leaders Institute shares that vision, and I’m proud to be a part of such an organization.
Steps to Sign Up At Christian Leaders Institute
Step 1 – Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2.
After you register, you will automatically be enrolled in the “getting started” course. You will locate the course at your “home” button when logged in. Scroll down to find the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2 Link. Click the link and open the course.
Step 2 – Complete Part 1 of this course, and then you are allowed to enroll in mini-courses or regular courses.
The Christian Leaders Getting Started Class Part 1 shows you how to enroll in courses and mini-courses. Part 2 of the course connects your calling into ministry with programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute. Part 2 will offer some ministry training and introduce you to the other programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute.
Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.