Leader Training

Leader Training

My name is Shirley Guidry, and I am receiving leader training at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Sour Lake, Texas. My previous Christian leadership has consisted of leading children’s church and Christmas events at our local church which closed last December. I have led funerals for a couple of disadvantaged family members that needed a minister to lead burial services.

My childhood home life was dysfunctional at best and I only attended church for a short while, maybe a month’s worth in my elementary school years. In high school, I attended with a neighbor, then continued at the same church with a different neighbor when I moved away from home.
I came to know Jesus at a Pentecostal church and I still have fond memories of that church family.

After a long absence from church, I moved my family a couple of hours away to begin a new career and life after a separation from my husband. I attended several churches and found a home at the Methodist church in town. Several moves later, I met and married a man who grew up attending his hometown Methodist church with his family.

I always felt I had a relationship with God, and sometimes I felt like He spoke to me, but something changed in my heart last October. I felt a change and I felt His voice while listening to a Christian radio program and such a weight lifted off of me. I understood what “He died to save me” meant. I could do nothing to be saved except accept Him and believe that I am saved. That alone will get me into Heaven not anything else I do because the only way to Heaven is through Jesus. What a powerful thing that is to finally understand!

My spiritual dream is to know Jesus and His word better and to have my whole family understand His love. I’d like His light to shine from my life. I am not perfect and never will be, but I am changing and hope to go where He is leading me. My past is my obstacle with all my failures and bad outcomes. But, I am getting over them. I have moved on from most and adulthood has shed light on the whys. I try not to dwell there anymore, only to say I am sorry for any wrongs committed and show that I have changed.

Having grandchildren has humbled me. I see where I should have done things differently raising my children. I help as often as possible where they need me. None of my children have a church home, but they do come to holiday events.  It saddens me and I pray that God will touch their hearts and minds and bring them to Him. I bring all the grandkids I can (I have ten) to Sunday School and church. I talk to them about Jesus and how much He loves them. It is wonderful to listen to their thoughts and ideas about Him.

I want to know His word and plans for my life. I’d like to be an example to others of Him, and with Christian Leaders Institute leader training, I believe I will be able to do that even better. Just this first course has given me so much insight and changed some of my “thinking patterns.” With this instruction, I believe God will get so much more use out of my life. Finding this leader training is a blessing. I have been asking Him to help me learn and retain His word. The day I located CLI, I felt a nudge to search minister training and your site came up. I searched for reviews to see if you were a legitimate course of study, and all the reviews were good. So here I am. I’d be greatly honored if you would accept me into your program.

Learn about local ecuministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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