

a formal lay minister training and minister credentialing program


a formal lay minister training and minister credentialing program



Are you an active Christian who is called to minister in a specific area?  Are you a layperson who senses a call to ministry? Are called to ministry? Are you looking for a lay minister credential program that includes specific ministry training and lay minister credentials? A program that may take you less than three months of part-time study to complete. 

Are you a minister or pastor who wants to develop leaders at your local church?

Are you a minister or pastor looking for a lay minister training program for your existing volunteer leaders, such as your elders or deacons or your small group leaders? Do you want to develop your non-clergy leaders?

The field minister program is a formal lay minister training and endorsement-based credentialing program for lay ministers. After leaders complete ministry training courses at Christian Leaders Institute, you are invited to become credentialed with the Christian Leaders Alliance through a process that includes endorsements from your circle of influence.

The Christian Leaders Institute has been offering formal ministry training since 2006. Hundreds of thousands have enrolled. Tens of thousands have completed courses and programs. Christian Leaders Alliance has credentialed lay, licensed, and ordained ministers since 2014. Thousands are members of the Christian Leaders Alliance directory. Christian Leaders Alliance has an international Global Ministers Commission. Click here.

Why are field minister credentials necessary? Because the early church understood that Christian leaders need ministry training and that these same leaders must be recommended by others and not themselves.


The Field Minister program includes free ministry training from the Christian Leaders Institute and Field Minister Ministry Credentials from the Christian Leaders Alliance. Our goal is to take lay minister training to the next level!

Complete The Introduction Course

Begin your ministry training with the Christian Leaders by completing the Getting Started Course.

Fulfill Program Requirements

You will need at least one endorsement, and you will need to complete the course requirements.

Endorsements for ministry readiness for a lay minister training program

Christian Leaders Alliance requires local endorsements. This program is not only about taking some online courses. This program is also about your leadership standing. Do Christians see you as one who walks with the Lord? Will they endorse you in ministry?  These endorsements establish local credibility that others see you as a practicing Christian called to ministry.

Most lay minister training programs do an endorsement. We believe this will strengthen your credibility if you are interested in pursuing these opportunities.

Field Minister Course Requirements

Complete the following courses of ministry specialization that meet the program requirements. Of course, you can start your Field Minister requirements before you complete your endorsement requirement. Most students satisfy all these program requirements simultaneously.

Required Courses for the Commended Minister

Field Minister 

After you complete these requirements, you will be a member of the Christian Leaders Alliance.  As a result, you will be in the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory listed as a Field Minister.

This Field Minister role is:

  • The gateway into over 30 specialized minister roles.
  • Ideal for being a lay deacon or elder in a local church
  • A first step to go further.  You may want to go even deeper into the courses and programs at Christian Leaders. You may want to start here then check out the licensed or ordained clergy minister programs at Christian Leaders Alliance. Specific Field Minister Roles


There are a large variety of roles that our Lay Minister Training & Credentialing Program prepares and makes you eligible for! Take a look at these roles below using the arrows to navigate between each.