Knowledge of Kingdom Principles


Knowledge of Kingdom Principles

My name is Della Cash. I live in South Africa and love this country with all my heart. Living here is excellent. We do, however, have some genuine socioeconomic and political problems. I have been studying at the Christian Leaders Institute since 2017. I honestly don’t think I would be where I am today in my walk with God without CLI. My knowledge of Kingdom principles has grown tremendously. In the process, my awe of the great and mighty God I serve increased!

My Spiritual Journey

I grew up believing that I needed to go to university after school. It was supposed to be the ultimate experience. It was supposed to complete my life. The first six months were okay. However, then I discovered alcohol. I failed my second year and dropped out. I had to work and continue with my studies. Now well-experienced in the partying ways, I did not know God and led a shallow life. I completed my studies and spent almost ten years traveling the world, thinking I was leading the perfect life. All the time, God was nowhere in the picture.

I eventually married a man who was also not a believer. We had two beautiful little girls. Then, my life began unraveling. Living a life not firmly established on God tends to catch up with you sooner or later. I was miserable. Therefore, one morning, I chatted with God while sobbing. I told him my life was a mess and that He could have it. I did not want to be the captain of my life anymore. It was the first time in my life that I experienced real grace, and it was incredible!

One of the first messages that God gave me was that I needed to confess all of my sins and apologize to all the people I had ever offended (even the ones that were horrible to me and where I had a harsh reaction). Not having a knowledge of Kingdom principles, I thought it was a weird request, considering that I had just given my heart to Him. I know now that it was part of the restoration process.

Restoration and Renewal Journey

That was about 14 years ago. In the meantime, my husband also gave his heart to the Lord. We raised our girls in a house that serves the Lord with all of our hearts. We are part of a beautiful church that strives to do community and serve God as they did in the Book of Acts.

I am incredibly blessed that I am entirely restored and suffered no loss (such as a broken marriage) because of my bad choices. God has abundantly blessed me while restoring my life to what He originally intended. If I have any regrets, however, it would be wasting a lot of time and missing opportunities to tell others about the amazing God I serve. Jesus gave us one job to do: to share Him with others. I failed miserably in doing that for many years.

My new dream is to focus on God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to live within His will for me. By living in obedience to God’s will and guidance, I not only experience the fullness of serving Him, but I also do what He wants me to do here on earth.

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  1. Ministry Awards, Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees with the Christian Leaders Institute.
  2. Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities. 

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