Know God Better - Ketty's Story

Kenya student Ketty Opot enrolled at CLI to deepen her knowledge and understanding of God and The Bible with free online training available in even the smallest parts of the world! Here is her story…

Know God Better – Ketty’s Story

Praise God!
My name is Ketty Atieno Opot, 35. I am the first born of 6 children. I am a wife and mother of three kids. I have attained a diploma certificate of management. Currently working for United Parcel Service. I live in Nairobi, Kenya.

I was brought up in a Christian home with my parents and sisters. I went to Christian school and attended church every Sunday morning but I never gave my life to Christ. In 1999 I met George, my husband, whom shared his faith and the love of Christ for me, after few months I got saved. I never grew in a close relationship with God, I was a stagnant Christian, never bore fruit. My husband kept encouraging me. Soon God brought to my realization that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. I rededicated my life to God in the year 2000. I started going to my husband’s church was baptized and felt like a new person. and since then I plan to walk faithfully with God.

I have been engaging in bible study and through that the Holy Spirit has helped me understand quiet much on the foundation of a Christian. Late last year as I was on a 7 day fast and prayer, I had a dream which was very clear. Jesus told me to go and spread the Gospel. Since then I have been yearning to attend a bible school so that I may be trained and equipped.

My ministry goal is to go to the remote areas to expand God’s kingdom by training local men and women and send them to the unreached parts in Kenya. My dreams are :
1. Die to self and be alive in Christ Jesus and to Love God with all my Mind, heart, soul and strength and to love my neighbor as myself.
2. To fulfill the great commission.

Bible education is of high importance to me. The Bible is the Word of God which is the Truth, hence, I need proper knowledge of God’s word to equip me for teaching and training his people in righteousness.

A scholarship from Christian Leaders Institute would help me know God better, grow closer to God and to be equipped for the mission and fulfill my calling.

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