As Christian Leaders Institute continues to grow, one area that is difficult to effectively teach on line is preaching. Traditional Bible school has an advantage in this respect, since the interactive environment that aids in preaching development is present in the traditional seminary building. However, in the class Sermon Construction and Presentation, Christian Leaders Institute has developed a method that delivers great results while not departing from the online bible school model.

Killian Mafuzha, a student from Zimbabwe, reflected on his experience in this course. He said, “…I am just wondering, what have I been preaching all along? I didn’t know how to write a sermon, I didn’t know how to deliver a sermon… …The first thing I learned is what is a sermon. The presentation by Preachology on types of sermons  such as personal testimony, textual, biographical, historical incident, topical, expository and springboard was such a blessing to me… …Now that I know how to construct and deliver an effective biblical sermon what’s next? I plan to utilize the knowledge I have acquired and begin to deliver effective sermons in our church and our community.”

In his final reflection paper, Killian touches on many aspects of constructing and delivering sermons that really affected him. He sees that he is able to construct a message with focus and intent, giving his preaching a much greater potential for increasing the kingdom of God. This is a good sign that students can effectively learn and practice good habits in creating and delivering sermons with the knowledge they receive in this Bible school class.

Bible School Certificates at Christian Leaders Institute

Like every other student at Christian Leaders Institute, Killian began his study with the class Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate. This class serves as an orientation to the Christian Leaders Institute Bible school model, at the same time, it asks students to introduce themselves to the CLI faculty and board. In his letter, Killian says, “…There are high crime rate and more pubs than churches. HIV and AIDS prevalence is high due to high prostitution rate… …Evangelism is slow due to limited finances and resources. Some areas are difficult to access is due to poor roads. This has resulted in a lot of people dying unsaved… …As I was saved by the Lord’s grace I also want to turn my city for Christ starting with my own family members , church members and the whole community at large… …To do such a huge task I need to be trained and equipped for ministry, that is why CLI scholarship is so important to me.”

Killian’s completion of the course Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate allowed him to continue on to further studies at Christian Leaders Institute. Many other students do not even complete this orientation course, and are thus unable to take advantage of CLI’s full online training potential. However, students that do complete this course and continue further all reap great gains from their efforts.

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