My name is Anthony Clark, and I live in the United States of America. In this country, we have the Christmas_201011opportunity to practice the freedom of religion which is part of our constitutional rights. Ministry is such a challenge everywhere, but because it is so many things to keep you distracted here in the United States it can be a bigger challenge than some may expect.

I have known the Lord since I was a young toddler. I was raised in a Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On my birthday, August 26, 1984, I gave my life to Christ. I join the military 5 years later (6 month after graduating from high school) and stayed in for twenty years. I have backslid in my adult life. I was an adulterer, and did many things that were not right. However, by God’s grace I was able to make it through. In 2010, I was remarried and decided to rededicate my life to Christ. Five years later I am on fire for Christ. I have been active in the Church, but I am most excited about my personal relationship with God. It has grown so much over the past 5 years that there is not a day goes by that I do not read my bible, pray, and speak to Jesus frequently. I know I have come a long way, and I will not turn around.

My ministry dream is to become an Ordained Minister.  I do not want to become Ordained for a title, but I want to be able to be equipped since I have been appointed by my Pastor to be the Chief Operating Officer for my Church. I am also involved in the Men’s Ministry, and I know with the more knowledge and experience I get, I can be better equipped to do Kingdom business.

The word that best describes me is simply Minister. I cannot say that I will be in one area, but I do know that I have a heart to serve in many areas in the ministry. I want to be able to witness to people on all levels and spread the good news to everyone I am able to come in contact with. If I had to pick one word for now it would be Elder

The key experience in my life that prompted me to pursue ministry is when my Pastor came to me and wanted me to help him start a church. I was so honored that he looked at my walk and wanted me to be one of the founding members. The Pastor had someone that he had placed as an Assistant Pastor, but the individual did not commit to the ministry. That is what made me want to pursue becoming ordained so I can be better equipped for the church. This is how I found Christian Leaders Institute, and I am so glad I did.
Some of the unique challenges in my area is that so many churches are stuck in tradition. It is something that many of us have experienced, and we know that in order for God to work in us the right way, we need to not be distracted by religion, and build the relationship that Jesus wanted the church to have with him.

My family is involved in my ministry calling. My wife is supporting me and we are active members in the church. My son is also involved ushering and helping with the collection of tithes and offering, and he is only 8!!! We are starting our devotional studies at home thanks to CLI and the Walk with God ministry.

A scholarship at CLI is so important to me because it would allow me to fulfill my dream to become an ordained minister and be able to go out and make disciples. I am so excited about the Walk with God ministry. I have already told my Pastor that this is something that we need to implement to our members so that they can teach their families at home what we are teaching them at church. The scholarship would help me accomplish this and in return allow me to start giving donation to CLI and be able direct others with a call for ministry to CLI.

CLI can pray that my ministry will continue to grow. We have started a church on 3/7/14, and we want to continue to grow. Please pray that our Pastor and all members keep focused on the Kingdom of God in all that we do. Please pray that we continue to increase so that we can start to donate to the school regularly because of the good things that the school is doing to help those that are called to minister. The name of the church is called Word Covenant Christian Center, and is an extension of World Changers International and World Covenant Christian Center out of Atlanta. Our church is in Orlando, FL and we want to have a fruitful and prosperous church. In Jesus name, Amen.

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