Kalev Peet Graduates from a Remote Area of Scotland, UK
Kalev Peet graduates with a Christian Leaders Basic Certificate. He writes,
We have just relocated to the North Coast of Scotland after a period of living missionally in an
orthodox jewish community. Our part of the UK is traditionally Christian, but in recent years younger generations have left the faith. Scotland is rife for revival, in spite of a growing tide of anti gospel sentiment.
After childhood abuse I slipped into drugs and crime, whilst backpacking I ended up staying in a Guatemalan orphanage run by believers. I saw the gospel preached in deed and word, on my return to the UK, I was further convicted of my need for repentance and the forgiveness found in Jesus. I began trusting in Jesus in 2003 and have been following Him ever since. I have been drug free, and not involved in criminality ever since. Furthermore, the Lord has allowed me to work in prisons, drug and mental health services and homeless outreach. He took the depth of my sin and used it for His glory.
To serve God in my community alongside my wife and children, our town has seen revival before, and we long to be used as a witness and share the love of God in Christ. We live in a small fishing town and want to be a lighthouse for those in darkness. Our hearts are toward opening our home as a simple church/small group, continuing to conduct homeless outreach.
I have several people in my life who God used mightily to speak truth into my life, and the desire to be used of God to speak and sow into the lives of others is a burning desire.I have been blessed with opportunity previously to do this and it felt “right”, I believe the witness of the Word and Spirit have confirmed this call.
The unique challenges in our geographic area is New age practices and paganism. There is a general hostility to things of God.
We have had words of prophecy that God will use our family unit for his glory, that the life experiences and challenges we have overcome by His grace will be used as a testimony and witness for His Kingdom. My family are pivotal in my ministry calling. Home first then the community!!
Christian Leaders Institute is a foundational part in being thoroughly equipped for every good work. The depth and scope of the CLI program will equip me with an education (which I could never afford) to empower and enable me to fulfill the call I have.Please pray for openings in our community, for a boldness of approach in our homeless outreach and street evangelism. Pray that our corporate walk as a family will be founded on grace, empowered by faith and evidenced by fruit, fruit enough to share with others!!
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