Julio Ruiz – Ordination
My Name is Julio Cesar Ruiz; the Lord has blessed me with a wife and our six children. Currently we reside in the United States, in the state of Illinois about 53 miles south from Chicago in a small town call Sun River Terrace. There are a lot of churches in this nation. However, it seems like the godly values are been disregarded by many families, so I think this is the time to proclaim the gospel of Christ and bring back to God all the people. Thank God we have freedom to preach and work with liberty in any Christian ministry,
My experience with CLI has been tremendously blessed; having the opportunity to be educated for free is something I’ll appreciate, honor, and thank for the rest of my life. Since I became a Christian my time, strength, love and passion has been concentrated toward my relationship with God, my wife, my children and church and I will not let anything stop me or change this priority, The educational opportunity that CLI offers through a virtual mode is something that does not interfere with any of my priorities, on the contrary, studying at CLI has reinforced my relationships and ratified my convictions.
Being ordain will help me to go forward in the ministry. Ordination will also help me grow more as a Christian, to develop myself, to help the congregation and keep on proclaiming the gospel. Most Christians expect that their pastors show proof of education and training. I think is fair and just to request this fundamental evidence of training and legitimacy.
In my walk of serving God, I’ve learned than anyone who wants to serve in the church needs to be prepared to serve with joy and happiness in any of the ministries of the church. Doing pastoral work, evangelism, lead small groups, youth leader, church planting, etc. we must be ready to do any of this task at some point of our ministry. I do know tough that every Christian has a different gift and different calling, and we must also need to pray God to help us find it. My calling I believe is to be pastor and teacher this is where God has guiding me to do.
Ever since I started studying at CLI, I’ve also started working more at our church. I’ve learned that if you want to discover your gifts then you have do service at church because by doing so you will identify where rejoice, enjoy, and you succeed the most. I remember that one of the first class I took at CLI was pastoral care and marriage, I’ve learned so much from that class. I felt that I was ready, and even though at the moment I’ve still lacked a lot, that class helped me to dealt better with our congregation and to love and show love to our congregation. It has been learning and practicing process for me, and I do not regret it.
The challenges I will face in our area are materialism. When people have what they need material wise, is more difficult to accept a savior. Many people today do not believe the need a savior because they feel like they don’t have a need for it. Prosperity sometimes brings idleness where people feel like there’s no need to do service or work. In my time in ministry, this is the one challenge I’ve faced, which people don’t feel a need for Christ due to their wealth.
I’m very blessed for being part of a very supportive local church. Ever since I started studying, I’ve received a lot of support from our congregation. My mentor who is my pastor he always kept motivating me to finish this calling. I’m blessed; I have seen the people praying for me. My pastor also supported me by giving me the opportunity to be a leader at our church, even though I had not much of experience. I think God will provide the knowledge and also the work to use the knowledge this is something I see at my church where learning and practice are to connected subjects that have to maintain together.
I thank God for giving me the opportunity of becoming a youth pastor three years ago. It was a tremendous blessing working and helping teenagers and also their parents. Five months ago I stared a church in our area; I also have Bible study groups at my work. I love preaching and teaching. I would like to keep working in our church, develop leaders and make a difference in our society in Christ name.
For a few years, I kept on praying God to become ordain. However the money was always the issue, when I knew about CLI I didn’t stop to think. Instead, I immediately got registered I knew this is what God had for me, and CLI has been a great blessing for my family. CLI has impacted me; the Institute has great teachers, great classes, great opportunities, and is free, hard to believe but is true. I have been thinking since I started studying at CLI, if I got my education free I must give myself freely for the gospel.
Please pray for me and my family, the ministry is not easy, it requires many sacrifices from the whole family.
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