Philippines Bible School – Johnny Moreno recently took the class “Sermon Construction and Presentation” at the Bible school Christian Leaders Institute. In his final reflection paper, he shares the impact of this Bible school course on his ministry. He begins, “The Sermon Construction class was a great challenge and help to me because it taught me the dos and don’ts of an effective sermon.” This is the core of the “Sermon Construction and Presentation” Bible school class. The Holy Spirit will provide us with a topic and a message, but we still have the God-given directive to put in the time studying. We need to seek the understanding of the topic, and we need to understand how to present it in a way that will have the greatest impact on the people of God. Bible School

Having set the base of what he learned in this Bible school course, Johnny continues “The subject [Sermon Construction and Presentation] taught us to create a message that is powerful not only in its introduction that can grab attention but also the content that is invigorating.” This Bible school course teaches the essentials of presenting the word of God in a way that is culturally relevant in a modern world. Johnny Moreno of the Philippines learned that both the introduction and the message content must be presented in such a way to grab and hold the attention of the audience. To gain attention is not enough if it is lost after the introduction. In this Bible school course, students learn not only how to create a compelling introduction but also content that will keep the audience riveted.

So how well does the Bible school course teach sermon construction and presentation? Johnny Moreno says that it “gives me technique in a way that was very helpful in me in my ministry of the word.” He further adds that he would “recommend it to my fellow students. Just work at it patiently and consider changes. These changes will help us in our ministry. Anticipate it positively and little by little you will soon notice that there are positive changes occurring in the way you make your sermon.”

Philippines Bible School Certificates

Like all other Christian Leaders Institute students, Johnny began his Bible school experience with the Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate course. This course asks students to share a little bit about their ministry experience and vision. Johnny Moreno has this to say: “I dream about a ministry that could provide training that is absolutely  free for those people who have a calling from GOD to fulfill… I dream about a ministry that would help develop ,strengthen, and equip a person ready for the Master use without worrying how to attain it.” Johnny was able to move past Getting Started and realize that this was only the beginning of a great Bible school experience.

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