internet ministry training

Internet Ministry Training To Build Up The Liberian Nation

Liberia is a war-torn, low income West African country that is very “unique” in a sense that it was founded mostly by freed slaves from America (the Americo-Liberians) in 1822 and established in 1847. Although Liberia was founded mainly by the freed slaves, there were several local communities living in the interior parts of the country before the arrival of the freed slaves from America. With an estimate of 4.2 million people in the Liberian nation, 85.6% is found to hold to the beliefs of Christianity.

Read the testimony and story of one CLI student in the midst of her internet ministry training! She has a passionate heart in reaching her native people back home. God bless students like sister Rachel!

Native Liberian Seeks Internet Ministry Training To Prosper Liberian People

Glory be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ our savoir. I am Rachel Galah Kay. I currently live in Clinton Heights, PA of the USA.
I was born on November 10,  1974 in Greenville Sinoe County West Africa Liberia. I am 6 of 8 children. I was born in a Baptist Church, my father, Moses C. Kay, was a pastor of a local church in our village called Judue town. He was one of the Bible vocational school student teachers. They assigned him to his own village, Judue town, where he was preaching the gospel for 10 years. He died on March 23, 1979. My mother took over as a pastor six months later. Since then, for 34 years, she been ministering the gospel, preaching the Good News of Jesus, which she love so much.

When I was 9 years old, I was praying about everything and knowing that all things are possible with God through Christ Jesus. I was baptized in 1985 and since then have been in the faith. But since 2009, I became stronger in the faith: reading my Bible as often as I could and seeing God giving knowledge into His words. I sing in the praise and worship team at my church, Refuge Baptist. And I am a Bible study teacher for a prayer line called Zion Daughters of Destiny for the past 3 and half years. I am thankful to God for His wisdom and strength that He gives me to learn and help others.

My goal as a student at Christian Leaders Institute is to learn more about the kingdom of God and to know His Son, Jesus Christ, of the Holy Spirit that was sent to us, to help me as a person that love to Lord and understand His calling upon my life.
My mission is to go back to Liberia where I am from, to minster to the very Christian that think serving God is about going to church Sunday morning, or is about being born in the church, or being a member of a church, is all that they need to do, to tell them that God wants more then just that from us as believer’s.

In Liberia, we believe that Liberia is a Christian nation but from what I know, many of us Liberians are just church people or church goers. We need those that study, train, learn, and have God given knowledge, to help them understand the things of God and teaching them about the kingdom message, the good news that Christ Jesus brought us. In my country lots of people go to God because they know He heals, He provides, He gives, He works miracles, and He blesses. They will go from prayer pastors to prayers mother’s, and all that they want is solution to their problems. I feel like Liberian’s need Jesus and revival.

My goal is to be a revival leader to see my fellow Liberian turning back to God, serving Him in holiness, and becoming a truth worshiper in Spirit. For me, internet ministry training is important so very much because I could not have been able to afford it if it was not free for me to be trained to do what God has laid on my heart to do. With free internet ministry training, God’s mission work and His knowledge will be imparted into His people and more souls will be revived. All I want to do is to be a revival leader for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to be a truth worshiper that the Father seeks. My prayer is to be a blessing to my family, my community, the nation that I am dwelling in, my Liberian people, and my country Liberia.

Internet Ministry Training To Achieve Spreading God’s Word In Any Location

Whether you are seeking internet ministry training to spread the Good News in Liberia or in a different location, Christian Leaders Institute provides full classes in internet ministry training for free. Click here to sign up to begin your internet ministry training! Visit us on Facebook to read more inspiring stories of our students and graduates with CLI!

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