Internet Bible college

Internet Bible College Is Used By Many Of All Ages

For God, there is no such thing as too young or too old to preach the Good News He has entrusted in us. With an Internet Bible college like Christian Leaders Institute, now many can be equipped for the battle field and minister to the lost. With an Internet Bible college, one can achieve many things without the challenges of finances not being there and relocating to a seminary. With an Internet  bible college, you can continue to work at your current job while acquiring a degree through CLI. Our ministry training is completely free so no one who feels called by the Lord will be left out of an opportunity of teaching.

Let our youth like Ryan Marks be an inspiration to all in continuing with our calling by grasping the training given with an Internet Bible college: Christian Leaders Institute.

Searching For An Internet Bible College Among The Youth

I am Ryan Marks and 20 years old. I live in the United States of America and while there are many freedoms, ministry is very difficult because many people in the society are opposed to God. I have been serving the Lord in preaching and ministry leadership in my local church and district since I was 14. I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 4 because I did not want to go to Hell. However, I did not really begin to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of my life until around 5th grade. My mother has told me that from the time I was in her womb, she always felt that God was going to use me somehow in ministry. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for saving me and being my Master! On the way home from Thanksgiving with my family in 2009, I was reading a biography of Luis Paulu and quietly began praying to the Lord and saying, “Lord, if I could only make the difference that men like Luis Paulu and others have had for your Kingdom, but…no, I could never do that” Right then it was like the Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks and just replied “Why not?” My heart then burst with a call to preach the Gospel. Over the years since, the Lord has continued to fuel that desire and many seasoned ministers have seen it in me and encouraged me, confirming the Lord’s call.

This past March of 2014, I completed my BA in Communications from Thomas Edison State College thanks to the help of CollegePlus. I am the oldest of four children and live with my family in the greater St. Louis area. During my college time, I interned for a friend of mine, who is a Christian author and additionally served as Assistant to the Senior Pastor of my childhood church of 500 for 7 months prior to his retirement. I attended the Southern Missouri School of Ministry in 2013 and was on track to earn my ministerial credentials with a particular denomination. However, due to some non-scriptural direction and concerns in that denomination, I dropped out. I have been running my own business and ministry for the last three years~Marks Enterprises, LLC and Focusing on the Mark Ministries. The Lord has called me to writing, and by His grace, I have now authored 75 titles and more coming to help people really grow in their relationship with the Lord. My Faith is my life and I am very passionate for doctrinal purity and that Biblical truth is held in the high esteem it deserves in our lives and churches. Jesus must not only be our Savior, but the Lord of our lives.

At the church I grew up at, the senior pastor hired me as his Administrative Assistant and mentored me and had me fill in and preach for him several times. I am not on staff at my present church, but am helping teach and serve on the Church Council (spiritual council like an elder board). My ministry vision and dream is that one day the Lord would expand my reach to have a national platform to preach the Gospel in the United States of America,  to share the Gospel with all of the United States and make many disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ and expand His Kingdom.  I think I most identify with the ministry titles of evangelist/shepherd. I have preached many times in churches and seen the Lord use me to start revivals in individual’s heart. But I am also a shepherd (“pastor-teacher”). I have a burden to watch over the flock that the Lord entrusts to my care and protect them from false doctrine and worldliness and encourage them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

I am preparing to be more effective through this Internet Bible College and Seminary Extension, as well as, personal study and fellowship with men of God in my local church. I also have a dream of one day planting a church and serving as a pastor. My current goals are the different avenues of sharing the Gospel through my ministry: a weekly podcast; daily blog, Facebook, and Twitter encouragement; a bi-weekly repentance and revival challenge; a monthly devotional email and free resources, Youtube videos, books, and other discipleship materials everyday.  I would like to continue my studies with CLI to become more prepared for ministry as well as to get a thorough understanding of the orthodox doctrines of the Christian Faith. I believe I know them already, but I would like to receive training that is not “one denomination’s spin.”

The coursework that I have completed so far with the Internet bible college of Christian Leaders Institute is helping me be reminded of some things I have already learned and to gain further wisdom from those who have been in ministry for years. In addition, I feel that CLI’s online bible college is helping me minor on minors and major on majors in regards to the Christian Faith.

Pray that the Lord would open doors for the Gospel and that I would continue to clearly hear what He would have me do to serve Him and preach His Word.

Internet Bible College With CLI

If you’re ready to become a student in ministry training through our Internet Bible college, click here to be directed to our application page to enroll. Also, check us out on Facebook for more incredible stories on our CLI students!

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