Illinois Free Ministry Training

Illinois Free Ministry Training Story

Illinois Free Ministry Training – My name is Lois Clements. I am 46 years old, and I live in a small rural community about 40 miles south of Chicago, IL., USA. My husband and I have one beautiful daughter who recently got married. We are adjusting to being empty nesters.

My relationship with God began on August 26th, 1978. I was 8 years old and attending vacation bible school when I accepted Jesus as my Lord. Even at that young age, I knew I was a sinner who needed a savior. During that time, I had a troubled home life. My father was an alcoholic who emotionally and verbally abused our family. I was molested by an older relative from birth to age 8. Like so many children, I thought it was my fault. I felt alone and afraid. Learning about God’s love for me brought so much comfort and joy into my life. I prayed for God to help me, and He did. I told the person who was sexually abusing me, “God told me to tell you no!”. I told him that God would forgive him of his sins if he asked him to. He began to sob, and he promised me he would never hurt me again. He kept his promise. He went forward during the alter call the next Sunday. My dad later became a Christian and quit drinking. I learned to forgive them for hurting me. God brought something good from these bad situations. God can turn lemons into lemonade.

I have experienced many trials during adulthood, including a difficult marriage which God has restored. I had gastric bypass surgery that left me with chronic pain, malnourishment, and anorexia. After two years and 32 hospital visits, I was finally on the road to recovery. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. I had bilateral mastectomies and chemotherapy. I am now cancer free. These trials have strengthened my relationship with God. I am truly grateful to be alive.

I can relate to many different women, especially hurting women. My dream is to have a women’s ministry. I want to help women who are experiencing some of the struggles that I have been through. I believe my testimony and support can inspire them and bring glory to God. I want to become a small group leader to begin making a difference in the lives of women from my church and surrounding community.

Illinois Free Ministry Training Found!

I have been blessed with amazing family and friends who have supported me through my health battles. They are encouraging me to pursue my dream of helping other hurting women heal. A scholarship to CLI will give me the knowledge and ability that I need to pay it forward. I like the convenience of the online study at your own pace classes. I would not be able to afford a traditional college education. It would be an amazing blessing to receive a quality education for minimal cost.

I would appreciate your prayers for my continued physical and spiritual healing. God has given me the desires of my heart for His glory. If I can give someone hope and encouragement by sharing my story, it will make everything worth while. I know that God has made lemonade from my lemons in life, and He wants to do the same for others.

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