Sharing Christ with others is central to the Christian faith, fulfilling the Great Commission given by Jesus. But how do we effectively share the message of the gospel in a way that resonates with others and honors the truth of Scripture? This Ministry Sciences study explores key principles of sharing Christ, supported by biblical references from the World English Bible (WEB).

1. Understanding the Call to Share Christ

The foundation of sharing Christ begins with understanding the biblical mandate to do so. Jesus Himself commissioned His followers to spread the gospel to all nations.

Matthew 28:19-20 (WEB): “Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

This passage highlights the responsibility of every believer to share the gospel and make disciples. It is a command, not a suggestion, and it forms the basis for our efforts to spread the message of Christ.

2. Living a Life that Reflects Christ

Before we can effectively share Christ with others, our lives must reflect His teachings and character. Our actions, attitudes, and words should align with the gospel we preach.

Matthew 5:16 (WEB): “Even so, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

When we live out our faith authentically, others are drawn to the light of Christ within us. Our lives become a testimony that complements the message we share.

3. Sharing with Gentleness and Respect

The way we communicate the gospel is as important as the message itself. Scripture teaches us to share Christ with gentleness and respect, ensuring that we approach others with love and understanding.

1 Peter 3:15 (WEB): “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason concerning the hope that is in you, with humility and fear.”

This verse emphasizes the need to be prepared to share our faith while maintaining a respectful and humble attitude. People are more likely to be receptive to the gospel when it is presented with compassion and empathy.

4. Using Scripture as the Foundation

When sharing Christ, it is essential to rely on the truth of Scripture. God’s Word is powerful and transformative, and it serves as the foundation for our message.

Hebrews 4:12 (WEB): “For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

By grounding our message in Scripture, we allow God’s Word to speak directly to the hearts of those we are trying to reach. The Bible provides the authority and power behind the message of Christ.

5. Building Relationships and Trust

Effective evangelism often begins with building genuine relationships. Jesus Himself spent time with people, getting to know them and meeting their needs before sharing deeper truths.

John 13:34-35 (WEB): “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Love is the key to building trust and forming relationships that open the door to sharing Christ. When we love others as Christ loves us, we create opportunities to share the gospel in a meaningful way.

6. Relying on the Holy Spirit

Sharing Christ is not something we do in our own strength. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, give us the words to say, and work in the hearts of those we are reaching.

Acts 1:8 (WEB): “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth.”

The Holy Spirit empowers us to be effective witnesses, providing us with boldness and wisdom as we share the gospel. It is important to pray and seek the Spirit’s guidance in all our evangelistic efforts.

7. Persevering in the Face of Rejection

Not everyone will accept the message of Christ, and we may face rejection or even hostility. However, we are called to persevere and continue sharing the gospel with love and patience.

2 Timothy 4:2 (WEB): “Preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching.”

This verse encourages us to be steadfast in our mission, whether the time seems favorable or not. Perseverance in sharing Christ is crucial, trusting that God’s Word will accomplish His purposes.


Sharing Christ is a vital part of the Christian faith, rooted in the Great Commission and empowered by the Holy Spirit. By living a life that reflects Christ, sharing with gentleness and respect, relying on Scripture, building relationships, and persevering in the face of challenges, we can effectively spread the message of the gospel. As we engage in this ministry, let us always remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:20 (WEB): “Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” With Christ by our side, we can confidently share His love and truth with the world


My name is Shannon Cox. I am married to my high school sweetheart, Ryan. I am a homemaker and homeschooling mother of two boys. We live in a small but rapidly growing rural town in Indiana, United States. Right after high school, I started college classes because I wanted to be a teacher—having summers off sounded wonderful. However, I wasn’t ready for college and soon dropped out. I became a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and spent six years working as a Hospice CNA. I began nursing school but did not finish. I married my husband, and he gave me the option to stay home and raise our son, which I happily accepted. Over the years, I have struggled off and on with feeling accomplished as a homemaker. After my second son was born, I attempted to go back to school for the third time, this time for Veterinary Technology. Although I love animals, and our property is full of them, when it was time for me to put in hours at the office, I quickly realized that my calling did not lie there either. I needed to be home. I couldn’t find a way to balance family and work, and my priority was my family. I have felt like a failure on some level because I didn’t finish any of the degrees that I started. However, I have come to realize that those things didn’t pan out because they were not God’s plan for my life. Those were things I wanted to do, not what God had called me to do.

My Childhood

My story of salvation has not been completely linear. It’s been a process of healing and finding myself. My childhood was difficult in many ways and left me with a large amount of unresolved trauma that carried into my adult life. My mother suffered from drug addiction and spent her entire life, until her death, battling her addictions. Although my father had custody of my brother and me, he was neglectful of his role as a parent. My grandparents were my saving grace. My paternal grandmother was a faithful woman who loved the Lord with all of her heart. She planted the seed of faith in my heart when I was very young. She served as a living testimony of God’s love and grace, even on her deathbed. I was a lost little girl, but I knew I could call upon Jesus in times of need, and He would be there. I knew He loved me; I talked to Him often, and I believed in Him completely, but at that age, I didn’t yet understand how to truly make Him Lord of my life. During my high school years, life at home became turbulent. I moved out of my father’s house at 16 and into my maternal grandparents’ home. During this time, I first met Ryan, who years later would become my husband. He had plans for marriage, but I wasn’t ready, and we went our separate ways.

My Salvation

In the years that followed, I dated all the wrong guys, made all the wrong choices, and suffered abuse in relationships. I was still so lost. I had no value, no worth. Eventually, I became pregnant with my oldest son and gave birth in 2006. Not long after my son was born, I collapsed on the floor of my shower and cried out to Jesus. I begged Him to forgive me for the choices I had made, and I surrendered my life to His will. I could no longer do this alone; I needed my Savior. Almost instantaneously, change occurred in my life. Ryan’s sister reached out to me, invited me over to see her family, and they opened their home to my son and me. We were safe. We were in a Christian home. Ryan and I reconnected, and we were married six months later. Our life together began—he adopted my son as his own, we went to church regularly, I was baptized, and I began my walk with Christ. Things were not just good; they were amazing. I had the family unit I had always desired and prayed for, and I could see God’s hand in every bit of it.


After a few years of marriage, disagreements with extended family set in. We had a falling out, and I believe the loss of that family unit triggered the unresolved trauma buried within me. Traumatic memories from childhood and early adulthood started coming to the forefront of my mind. I went to the doctor and for therapy and was diagnosed with PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and Anxiety. I was put on medication, which did help a little in the moment. It removed me from the danger zone, but it did not cure me. I felt better for a while, but then the depression and anxiety took hold again. I started isolating myself from relationships outside of my home. I was under immense spiritual attack. I was convinced that I was too broken for God’s complete forgiveness and that my husband and children would be better off without me. I was losing hope. I cried out to the Lord over and over again in prayer, and I started reading my Bible every day. I found that the more I filled my mind with God’s Word, the faster the enemy would flee. I found undeniable healing through the Word of God. I finally understood God’s grace and His plan for my life. I have a calling to serve others. I have a purpose. My relationship with God grew during this time, and it changed everything about my life. He truly became my living water.

My Spiritual Dream and CLI Training

My spiritual dream is that God will use me to help and reach those who are hurting. I dream of walking so closely with God that others will know His love and mercy through me, that His word will become so engraved in my heart that I will not stumble when finding the words of comfort others need to hear. My spiritual dream is that I clearly hear the voice of God and follow Him faithfully wherever He may lead me. I dream of being a faithful servant of God, continuing to walk closely with Him at all times in my life, and introducing others to the one true Healer. Christian Leaders Institute is pivotal in my life right now because I feel a very strong calling into service, but I also recognize the need for education. At this time in my family’s life, we are putting our oldest son through college, and soon we will have both boys in college. It would not be possible for me to pursue ministry training without Christian Leaders Institute.


Based on Shannon’s Testimony

Sharing Christ with others is one of the most profound and impactful things a believer can do. It’s an act of love, a demonstration of grace, and a powerful testimony of how God transforms lives. Just as Shannon Cox’s testimony reveals, sharing Christ is not about having all the answers or being perfect; it’s about being real, authentic, and allowing God’s light to shine through our own experiences.

Here’s how you can share Christ effectively, using the principles evident in Shannon’s journey.

1. Be Genuine and Transparent

One of the most powerful ways to share Christ is by being genuine and transparent about your own journey. Shannon’s testimony is a perfect example of this. She openly discusses her struggles, her search for purpose, and how she found healing through Christ. People are drawn to authenticity, and when you share your own story with openness, it can resonate deeply with others.

Practical Tip: When sharing your testimony, don’t shy away from talking about the difficult moments or the times when you felt lost. These are the moments that often touch people the most because they see the reality of God’s grace at work in a broken world.

2. Connect Through Common Experiences

Shannon’s life experiences—struggling with career choices, dealing with unresolved trauma, and facing depression—are issues that many people can relate to. By sharing how Christ met her in those moments, Shannon connects with others who might be facing similar challenges.

Practical Tip: Identify common experiences you share with the person you’re speaking to. Whether it’s a shared background, a similar life event, or even a common struggle, these connections can serve as bridges to share how Christ has been the anchor in your life.

3. Highlight the Transformation

A key element of sharing Christ is showcasing the transformation that comes from following Him. Shannon’s life changed drastically after she surrendered to Jesus—she found peace, purpose, and a renewed sense of identity. This transformation is a testimony to the power of Christ in her life.

Practical Tip: Share specific examples of how your life has changed since you began following Christ. Whether it’s a newfound peace, a sense of direction, or healing from past wounds, these examples can powerfully illustrate the impact of Christ in your life.

4. Use Scripture as a Foundation

In her testimony, Shannon shares how reading the Bible daily became a source of healing and strength for her. Scripture is the foundation of our faith, and it’s essential to incorporate it when sharing Christ with others.

Practical Tip: When sharing your testimony or talking about your faith, include relevant Bible verses that have been meaningful to you. Scripture not only validates your experience but also introduces others to the truth and power of God’s Word.

5. Extend Grace and Love

Shannon’s story is filled with examples of how she received grace and love from others, and how that grace led her to Christ. When we share Christ, we should do so with the same grace and love that we have received.

Practical Tip: Approach conversations about Christ with a heart full of love and grace. Be patient, listen more than you speak, and show genuine concern for the person you are engaging with. Remember, it’s the kindness and love of Christ that draws people to repentance.

6. Encourage a Personal Relationship with Christ

Shannon’s journey to salvation wasn’t just about adopting a new set of beliefs—it was about entering into a personal relationship with Jesus. She emphasizes how this relationship transformed every aspect of her life.

Practical Tip: When sharing Christ, focus on the importance of a personal relationship with Him. Encourage others to not just know about Jesus, but to truly know Him—through prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking His presence in their daily lives.

7. Trust God with the Results

Finally, sharing Christ is not about forcing someone into a decision but planting seeds and trusting God with the outcome. Shannon’s story reminds us that it’s God who does the work in people’s hearts, not us.

Practical Tip: After sharing your testimony or talking about Christ, pray for the person and trust that God will continue to work in their life. Be available for follow-up conversations, but rest in the knowledge that God is in control.

8. Leverage Resources for Growth and Training

A significant part of Shannon’s journey involves recognizing her calling to serve others and seeking the necessary training to do so. Shannon found Christian Leaders Institute (CLI), an invaluable resource that offers free ministry training. This training has been pivotal in her life, allowing her to pursue her calling while balancing the needs of her family.

Practical Tip: If you feel called to ministry or want to deepen your understanding of God’s Word, seek out resources like CLI that offer affordable or free training. These resources can equip you to serve more effectively and help others grow in their faith.


Sharing Christ is an act of love and obedience to the Great Commission. By being genuine, connecting through shared experiences, highlighting transformation, using Scripture, extending grace, encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus, trusting God with the results, and leveraging available resources for growth, you can effectively share the hope and love that you have found in Christ. Just as Shannon’s testimony powerfully demonstrates, it’s not about being perfect—it’s about being willing to let God use your story to touch the lives of others.