House Church Ministry

House Church Ministry

I am currently living in Manitoba, Canada. The weather is different compared to our home country of the Philippines. Our ministry is more a house to house church where we are doing Bible Study and Fellowshipping. One of our visions is to establish a house church ministry that will reach out to and encourage the Filipino immigrants in our town. It is very challenging to start a ministry in our town as most people are busy with their own family and jobs.

I was baptized in the Catholic Church in the Philippines and at the age of 5, my parents accepted our Lord Jesus Christ in a local Baptist Church. I grew up in that church, came to know Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior. I was then baptized at the age of 14.

My ministry dream is to lead a house church ministry that will help Christians grow into a deeper relationship with God and evangelize the unbeliever in our area. Also, I would encourage my brethren to get a course in Christian Leaders Institute so that they can also determine their calling from God. One of my visions is God showing me a building where we are doing a Sunday Service with my family and brethren.

I learned from Christian Leaders Institute to connect practically with God. This strengthens my relationship with Him and encourages me in my roles as a husband and a father in my home. It transforms my relationship with my wife and kids by spending time reading the word of God in a very creative way together. CLI answered my prayer to become an effective servant of God. I am very confident in my calling that I would fulfill the house church ministry which God called me to do. I believe that I will be an effective Evangelist or Pastor because this is my heart’s desire. I am happy to share the Gospel to everyone and encourage people to live with faith.

Christians in our community are very small in numbers and most of them are Catholic. This ignites my passion for sharing the story of salvation and testimonies from God. As I commit my life to God, it gives me joy with confidence to win a soul because of the training I have in evangelism. Also, I observe that our community really needs a revival so that they will commit their lives to God.

Since our ministry is a house to house church. We are doing this ministry without a pastor because all of us come from different countries. And since there is no Filipino Christian Organization in our community when we moved to Canada, I believe as a deacon and a cell church leader in our church back in Saudi Arabia gives me an opportunity to be used by God to start a ministry. I believe that is one of the reasons why God sent me to Canada. My fire in my heart always reminds me that there is no excuse for not serving the Lord.

Every time I read the Bible especially with my morning devotion, it fills my heart full of joy. It empowers me from my weaknesses when I have struggles so that I can still focus on my everyday tasks. It shows a revelation on my daily needs. It gives me more confidence when I am in corporate prayer. It strengthens me in my work profession in the world. It reminds me of everything I need in my ministry. It gives me the courage to share the truth and allows me to be useful wherever I go.

One of my biggest dreams in our house church ministry is to serve God with my wife and kids. Also, to train my two kids and guide them so that at an early age, they will serve our God with passion. And, I want to share the JOY with my family in serving the Lord inside and outside the house.

Christian Leaders Institute offers their tremendous scholarship to help Christians to fulfill their calling and follow their spiritual dream in terms of time and money. CLI encourages believers to pursue their spiritual gifts and to be ready for the ministry. CLI gives opportunities for Christians who cannot afford to pay tuition and is flexible for those who are also working while studying at CLI. We will include them in our prayers and personally promote CLI.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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