Multiply Your Impact.

Are you called? Get Equipped with Christian Leaders Institute's free online courses. Our easily-accessible engaging education and programs give you confidence, competence, and credibility as you go forth and become a difference-maker.

Christian Leaders

Study Your Way

Christian Leaders free online courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere, completely at your own pace. Giving you the time and flexibility to study the Bible and ministry training your way. Education has never been any easier than this.

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Education Made Simple


Gain access to hundreds of free online courses.


Receive official ministry credentials to advance you in your calling.


use what you have gained to teach and evangelize to others around the globe

"What you read about and what you see presented IS exactly as stated. This isn't a watered down program. Often we see the possibility as "free" as too good to believe. In this case it these are genuine fully realized programs. Don't wait dig in. I have other degrees from traditional Universities. The programs presented at Christian Leaders rival anything else I've done. The LORD works through this ministry."
Christian F
CLI Student

Free Courses

Gain access to over 150+ free online courses. Ranging from general education, biblical studies, theology, philosophy and much more. 

Online – Study at your own pace – No hidden fees

Ordinations & Licenses

Complete minister credentialing programs, including various roles, ideal for volunteer, part-time or full-time minister callings.

Diplomas, Certificates, & Awards

Discover and earn a variety of ministry credentials that range from introductory to advanced that you can use to further the ministry work in your calling. 

Online – Low-cost credentials

College Degrees

Earn an Associate or Bachelor’s degree in Divinity, Christian Leadership, or Chaplaincy.

Online – At your own pace – For $1,625 or less.

We Are Christian Leaders

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Credential Programs Completed
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Church Leadership Training

CHURCH LEADERSHIP TRAINING Enroll Today! CHURCH LEADERSHIP TRAINING Enroll Today! CHURCH LEADERSHIP TRAINING Are you ready to grow as a leader in mission and ministry?

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Studying Ministry

STUDY MINISTRY & EMBRACE YOUR CALLING Enroll Today! STUDY MINISTRY & EMBRACE YOUR CALLING If you’re feeling called to ministry and looking for accessible, high-quality

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What is Christian Leaders Institute?

Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) is a non-profit educational organization that provides free online ministry training courses and programs for individuals who want to become Christian leaders. ClI employs a Give It Forward Together approach to funding this ministry. Click here to read more. CLI offers a wide range of courses in areas such as theology, ministry, evangelism, church planting, and biblical studies, among others.

CLI’s mission is to provide high-quality theological education and practical ministry training to Christians all around the world who may not have access to traditional seminaries or ministry training programs due to financial, geographical, or other constraints. The organization seeks to equip and empower individuals to lead and serve in their local churches and communities, regardless of their backgrounds or previous educational experiences.

CLI offers its courses online and free of charge, allowing anyone with an internet connection to access its resources. The organization also partners with local churches and ministries around the world to provide in-person training and support. Through its programs, CLI aims to create a global community of Christian leaders who are equipped and empowered to serve God and share their faith with others.  

Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) is where you access Free Courses for Christian Discipleship or Ministry Training Opportunities. You will multiply your effectiveness.

What does accessing tuition-free courses and program opportunities mean for you? What is available through Christian Leaders Institute? Christian Leaders Institute is the premier provider of free Christian discipleshipBibleministrytheology, Christian philosophy, and Business courses. Christian Leaders Institute may fit you if:

These free courses and programs are for everyone who has access to an internet device. These opportunities are for every race, rank, and region. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have created study accounts in 200 nations.

Get to Know Christian Leaders Institute

Many people have frequently asked questions about Christian Leaders Institute. The following is a detailed discussion that will address many of your questions. Are these courses no-strings-attached free? Find out how Vision Partners support this opportunity.

Christian Leaders Institute – A Detailed Discussion

Does Free Mean Free?

In what ways is this opportunity “free?”

Nothing is free from expense; someone must support the creation and maintenance of the courses. That is where Christian Leaders (Ministries) come in. Christian Leaders is a 501(c) religious non-profit founded in 2001 by Henry Reyenga, Rich DeVos, and Ron Parr. The vision is to multiply difference-makers for Christ in every rank, every race, and every region.

So, free means accessible to you and millions of others who may need an opportunity; the poor and rich of the world have the same access. If you have access to the internet, you can access free Christian resources. Some of you may be in a position to help support this opportunity so that poor people can access high-quality education. We welcome you to give, but you have no obligation.

What is the Purpose of the Christian Leaders Institute?

Christian Leaders has created three programs that give you access to opportunity. The first program is the Christian Leaders Institute. You are at the Christian Leaders Institute website.

The Christian Leaders Institute offers:

The Christian Leaders Institute stewards many conversations about topics of interest to Christians, Christian Leaders, and Ministers. Many times these conversations are courses.

Free High-Quality Courses Access

You access free online Christian courses. Let’s talk about that. There are different types of Online Christian Courses. There are complete courses with lectures, quizzes, and assignments. Some min-courses help you survey subject matters quickly and easily. Christian Leaders Institute uses the world-famous educational interface called “Moodle” Click here to check out our study interface.

Online Bible School Courses

Free Online Bible school courses focus on the role of Bible study in every subject. Christian Leaders Institute is an online Bible school for you if you are interested.

You can study the bible online in survey subjects, including Old Testament and New Testament studies. Visit the Holy Land with Ray Vander Laan courses, Biblical Interpretation One and Two, sponsored by That the Word May Know and Focus on the Family.

You can access Full Bible School courses at Christian Leaders Institute. Click here to survey. There are Bible school mini-courses also available.

Online Bible School programs often have awards, certificates, and diplomas recognizing your study. In addition, Christian Leaders Institute will track all your studies and issue free downloadable adult education-level credentials. Purchase a physical copy of your credentials if you would like.

Ministry Training Institute Courses

Christian Leaders Institute features many courses usually found at a ministry training institute. In addition, Christian Leaders Institute offers many equipping courses and mini-courses if you are called to ministry and want more online ministry training.

You can study introductory subjects like Ministry 100 – Christian Leaders Connection. Another popular course is Multiplying Disciples by Francis Chan. Enroll now.

Many ministry-minded Christians are interested in marriage topics. Check out marriage courses. 

You can access over 35 complete Ministry Training Institute types of courses. Click here to see the current list. You will be able to enroll immediately in courses like:

Christian Leaders Institute issues awards, certificates, and diplomas for completed adult education study recognition. Purchase a physical copy of your credentials if you would like.

Free Minister Credential Courses and Access to Minister Ordination

Christian Leaders Institute offers tuition-free courses recognized for minister credentials at the Christian Leaders Alliance. The Christian Leaders Alliance is also a program of Christian Leaders.

The Christian Leaders Alliance recognizes the free courses and mini-courses at Christian Leaders Institute for minister credentialing. These clergy ordination credentials include officiant, licensed, and ordination credentials. In addition, there are core, intermediate, and advanced minister credential roles.

Popular Core Minister Roles: 

Are you called to become a minister? 

Many people ask if someone can get ordained online. You will learn about the online-only options and what needs local participation. There are places like Tennessee that frown on Online Only ordinations. What about becoming a Florida Minister? Christian Leaders Institute is your gateway to many licensing and ordination programs combining online and offline activities. A top-rated program is the License Christian Wedding Officiant. We will discuss this in more detail about the Christian Wedding Officiant later.

Core minister roles are the first level of training and credentialing at Christian Leaders Alliance. We call this the Diakonos Level, credentialling referencing the Greek word, “Diakonos.”

The Core Minister Roles are:

License Wedding Officiant – This role includes the Wedding Officiant Skills Course of 1 credit. Take this course and submit one endorsement, and you get licensed as a Licensed Wedding Officiant with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Field Minister – The field minister includes introductory courses to the ministry for your field service. This field minister role is ideal for lay ministers, church elders and deacons who want more ministry training but have minimal study time available. This program includes free courses and mini-courses from the Christian Leaders Institute. Click here for more details.

Licensed Minister – The Licensed Minister is one of the most completed minister roles for volunteer or part-time ministers. This program includes thirteen credits of study and six mini-courses.

Coaching Minister – The Coaching Minister role is a minister role that includes a coaching approach as part of the training. This program contains two free coaching courses. This role requires 15 credits and six mini-courses.

Licensed Ministry Chaplain – The Licensed Ministry Chaplain is ideal for a volunteer chaplain who serves in a local ministry setting such as a fire department or veterans organization. This role requires 18 credits and six mini-courses.

Ordained Minister – This Minister role is very popular with those already serving in ministry or wanting more training and credentials. This role requires 21 credits and seven mini-courses.

More Intermediate and Advance Minister Roles are Available

Christian Leaders Institute free courses give you assess to many more intermediate and advanced minister roles. These roles include:

Intermediate Minister Roles – The Intermediate roles are called “prebuteros” Level roles from the Greek word “presbuteros” We get the word presbyterian from this word.

  • Evangelist
  • Professional Coaching Minister
  • Pastor/Shepherd/Priest
  • Bi-vocational Pastor/Shepherd/Priest
  • Ordained Ministry Chaplain

Advanced Minister Roles – The advanced roles are called “Episcopos” level roles from the Greek word “episcopos.” We get the word episcopate from that word. There is a denomination called Episcopalians.

  • Commissioned Minister
  • Apostle/Missionary
  • Kingdom Chaplain
  • Minister of the Word.

A beneficial feature of the Christian Leaders Alliance’s partnership with the Christian Leaders Institute is that you can keep enrolling in more courses and step up to more advanced minister credential roles.

Access Free Courses Toward a College Degree

At Christian Leaders Institute, you can access free courses for a college degree. Christian Leaders Institute connects to CLI’s Leadership Excellence School. Through Christian Leaders Institute, you assess CLI’s Leadership Excellence School courses. Most college students start as Christian Leaders Institute students.

This relationship allows you to see if correspondence online learning fits you. In addition, you can evaluate all the offerings of Christian Leaders. We have many getting-started courses for you to assess your future.

For many people, Christian Leaders Institute is their Online Christian College opportunity. Over 100 Christian Leaders Institute courses are CLI’s Leadership Excellence School courses. This online bible College curriculum covers BiblicalTheological, Ministry, General Education, Philosophy, and Business courses that will help you advance toward your college degree.

In 2019, CLI’s Leadership Excellence School began offering religiously exempt degrees from the state of Florida. Since that time, CLI’s Leadership Excellence School has been working with the ABHE toward full accreditation. CLI’s Leadership Excellence School has applicant status. We hope to become a candidate for the United State Department of Education accreditation soon.

What degrees can you access by taking courses at Christian Leaders Institute?

You can access Associate and Bachelor Degrees. While the courses are tuition-free, low fees apply to the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School (CLI) program.

Christian Leadership Degrees

The Christian Leadership Degree focuses on making your associate’s and bachelor’s degrees about Christian leadership. This degree will prepare you for many career paths or give you insights into volunteer or part-time ministry.

Many Home Schooling families find these leadership degrees beneficial as a college option. Many home-schooled young people are ready for college studies by ages 15-17. CLI’s Leadership Excellence School is a cost-effective option that helps them get a college degree before the age of twenty without college debt.

Many traditional high-school graduates find the Christian Leadership degree helpful as well. They can get their college degree in one of the concentrations. Stay out of college debt for your bachelor’s degree. Go to one of the master’s degree partners like Ohio Christian University.

Liberty Univerity Option

One popular option is to graduate with an associate leadership degree at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School and transfer to Liberty University. Liberty University uniquely partners with CLI’s Leadership Excellence School. They will accept up to 90 credits from Christian Leaders Institute or College. Click here to see the list of courses Liberty will receive in their program.

The Liberty University option is ideal for career-bound Christians. Low-cost fees apply if you still need to finish a degree with CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

Christian Leadership Degree Concentrations

The Christian Leadership Bachelor Degree has the following Concentrations and some majors:

  • Christian Business Concentration
  • Christian Philosophy Concentration
  • Church Planting Concentration
  • Women’s Ministry Concentration
  • Advanced Biblical Studies Concentration
  • Youth Ministry Concentration
  • Christian Philosophy Major
  • Christian Business Major

Divinity Degrees

Divinity Degrees are our most theological and academic degrees, requiring intellectually rigorous study. In addition, CLI’s Leadership Excellence School offers an Associate of Divinity Degree and a Bachelor of Divinity Degree. 

This degree is ideal for those who desire to pursue their Master’s Degree with one of our partner Seminaries like North Point Bible College and SeminaryKairos Project, Calvin, Western, Northern, and more.

Christian Leaders Institute is your access or gateway to opportunity.

More Popular Links for Accessing Free Courses and Programs

You have options to access many Bible, Christian, and Ministry topics. Here are some links to check out.

Study the Bible Online or Free online bible Courses

Bible School Programs or Bible Study Program

Online Christian Courses and mini-courses

Christian Courses for Homeschooling Families