Hawaii Ministry Training

Hawaii Ministry Training

Aloha, my name is Elijah Kala McShane, and I am a 22-year-old Native Hawaiian living on the beautiful island of O’ahu in the magnificent Islands of Hawaii. I grew up in a family with two amazingly hard working and loving parents and three siblings, having two sisters and one brother. My entire life, I have fortunately attended private schooling at Catholic/Christian schools here on O’ahu. I have always believed in God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but never pursued a true relationship with a deep connection and clearer understanding. It was not until earlier this year that I began focusing on building that relationship with God through attending a Baptist Church and also a Four Square Church here in Hawaii called Inspire Church.

God has blessed me with many things in my life including a beautiful future wife, Cheyenne; that has had my heart since 15 years old, an amazing family, and a vision for my life that can only be realized through God. This year, I began living my life according to Christ, spent time devoting worship and prayer to Him but as an “every other day Christian.”(not fully committed)

It was on a rainy night here in Hawaii when I was blessed with the vision to become a Pastor and Evangelist. I talked it over with my girlfriend, parents, and friends to gather some advice and input on the vision that God had placed in my heart. With asking these important people in my life, I received some advice that caused me to think things through thoroughly once again. I then came to a conclusion that “I don’t have to be in ministry to serve God.” So I launched my speaking and personal development business called “Elevate 2 Motivate” which was based on a topic that I am beyond passionate about; and that is helping people to Discover their Gifts, Pursue their Purpose, and Fulfill their Potential. This mission was birthed by having a revelation from God that helped me to identify my true gifting and purpose on earth. This purpose was to serve others with my gifts of speaking, connecting, loving, inspiring and motivating people by spreading Aloha (love). Something wasn’t clicking. Although the dream was in my heart, and the purpose of contribution was alive and well, I could still sense that my pursuit was coming from a place of status and prestige. This left me lost and confused on where to go next.

After closing down a business, having major financial difficulties, and encountering other valleys of life. I was working as hard a man could work to make my dream of being a personal development expert become a reality. God then spoke to me and told me “Your gifts will only be maximized, your purpose will only be fulfilled, and your potential will only be reached if it is in my Kingdom.” From that moment, I made a commitment to the plan that God has for me, and that is becoming a Pastor/Evangelist, and to change the world with all of the giftings that He has placed in my heart. I immediately began seeking guidance from God and His Word, and also from my Pastors from both churches. I recently enrolled in CLI and planned to go on to receive my Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. in Divinity. God has offered me clarity and opportunities to build my ministry dream of becoming a Leader of the Church Community, Kingdom of God, and to become a servant to people across the entire globe.

My ministry vision is to become the Senior Pastor of Waipahu Baptist Church and lead people in Hawaii and the world to live a better life found in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I want to build a strong church by inspiring people to be all that God is calling them be. I have the vision to build a worship team, connect groups, leadership training, business training, health classes, and spiritual development courses in my church to serve the community and the world. Personally, I aspire to become a multiple best selling author, and world changer by inspiring one person at a time.

Hawaii is definitely in need of a spiritual revival. We need more leaders who are building people through the One and Only Truth, the Word of God. Our economic issues, relationship issues, culture and career problems, and life obstacles can all be solved by developing ourselves through the Word and an intimate relationship with God. Becoming the Senior Pastor for a Church will give me the divine opportunity to provide all of those solutions.

A scholarship here at CLI will be everything I need and much more to gain the wisdom and insight to make an eternal mark in the Kingdom of God. My purpose can be fulfilled by gaining the abundant amount of wisdom through the education that CLI has to offer. Everything that God has placed in my heart has been placed in their for the pure reason of manifestation. The manifestation will come through working my purpose through Him and also sharpening my edge in every way possible. I believe CLI is a dream come true to all ministry leaders who are being called to revolutionize the way human beings live on this planet. God has equipped Rev. Henry Reyenga with all the gifting to serve the world and to make a lasting contribution. It would be an honor to serve next to such mighty men and women of God.

Aloha and God bless,
Elijah Kala McShane

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