I was born and raised in the great nation of the United States of America! Ministry here is quite different than ministering in other countries (which I have also done), but it also presents it’s on set of challenges. The hardest thing I find in ministering in my country and state is the different mindsets, and that people think they have plenty of time to ‘have fun’ and ‘live life.’ They put no value on what it means to live and instead prefer to find pleasure in temporary things. Things that take no effort.
I guess that is where I have always differed from my peers.

I accepted Jesus in my life at the young age of 2. I grew up with my parents in motorcycle ministry and with a very crazy family… so I always saw what sin and darkness did to people and I wanted no part of that. I knew even from a young age that there was more to life and I knew I was going to have to fight to get to it but I knew in my heart it would be worth it. I have never looked back since that day and I have suffered many trials and sickness; but God’s love has never failed me.

I accepted Jesus in my life at the young age of 2. I grew up with my parents in motorcycle ministry and with a very crazy family… so I always saw what sin and darkness did to people and I wanted no part of that. I knew even from a young age that there was more to life, and I knew I was going to have to fight to get to it but I knew in my heart it would be worth it. I have never looked back since that day and I have suffered many trials and sickness; but God’s love has never failed me.

I accepted Jesus in my life at the young age of 2. I grew up with my parents in motorcycle ministry and with a very crazy family… so I always saw what sin and darkness did to people, and I wanted no part of that. I knew even from a young age that there was more to life and I knew I was going to have to fight to get to it but I knew in my heart it would be worth it. I have never looked back since that day and I have suffered many trials and sickness; but God’s love has never failed me.
I am a newly married lady and my husband also play a very important role in my God-dreams. Where as I am the go-getter lets leave tomorrow kind of gal, he’s the one to calm me down and make sure my emotions don’t get the best of me. He is the wind in fire, while I’m the fire to his calm! We balance each other out and work perfectly together. We both have dreams and we support each other fully in them!

My dream as a minister is so many things… but they all fit together. I am currently the Youth Pastor at my church, but I also consider myself a missionary and Evangelist. My dream is to have a prison prevention ministry in the inner city (which is also where my church is currently located). I don’t just want to help those in prison but I want to help kids stay out before they even get there. I want to show them Jesus’ love before the world entices them with sin. I also want to help in street ministry by impacting the prostitutes in my area; by showing them how loved they are and that they are accepted in the arms of Christ who has already forgave them. In the middle of all of this I feel God is calling me into the nations as well. To spread His love, to BE His hands and feet. To be the tangible love of Jesus when they don’t know what to do next or how to survive any longer in their condition. To be the one who tells them who Jesus is, what He did for them for the very first time. I feel it is my job to fulfill the Great Commission in all of these ways. It is so amazing to look at my church and to see how much they have poured into my dreams not because I am their Youth Pastor but because they actually believe in me & believe that what I want to do can help transform the atmosphere of where we are at.

There was a time in my life whee I had a dream and a plan for my life; until I heard this statement “If your dreams seem achievable then they aren’t big enough. You have to dream so big that is seems impossible to reach that goal. That is where God comes in.” Since that moment I knew my life was going to be dedicated to ministry.

A scholarship here at CLI is important to me because I believe in quality of work. I don’t want to go out into my God dreams and only have half an answer for someone. I want to know how to respond in all situations and know about all different areas of the Bible, Jesus, and ministry. I feel CLI can help me with that. Quality of education is important not only for me but to the people God has called me to.

If I could ask you to pray for anything I would ask that you pray for endurance. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in my city, my state, my country, and the world. At times I feel overwhelmed at all God has asked of me but I know He will always give me strength. Especially when I have other believers lifting us up in prayer. I can not wait to see where God takes me next!

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