Growing Season

In this inspiring testimony, Erin writes “I thank God every day for my pain and the trials I endured. Not because they were fun; but because He trusted me to see the purpose in my pain.” Relying on God and His promises she is now experiencing a fulfilling and growing season in her life.

Growing Season: Out Of Pain Came Promise

Ever since I was a little girl I knew, or so I thought, what I wanted to be. While growing and changing, I remained an active society girl in high school and throughout my community. I went to Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, all the while keeping my spirituality on the back burner. For a short period, I knew I wanted to be a doctor. Then, I had my mind set on being a teacher. And then I knew for sure that I was set to be a publicist. I never realized that God was chuckling at my plans while He was divinely merging my desires, interests, and passions with HIS ultimate plan. I find myself being happier now than ever before.

While at Bowie, I found myself falling into the world and not focusing on who God called me to be. I was drinking, smoking, failing my classes, battling with promiscuity, and everything in between. It was during this time I disconnected myself from people I loved. There was even a pregnancy scare, sexually contracted illness, and being taken advantage of sexually. I tried to commit suicide.

One night, when everything seemed like it was going wrong, I looked over on my nightstand, and there was my Bible. It was that night when I was at a dark place that I began to see God in another light. Since then, I have continued to grow in stature with GOD! I recently aligned my educational and spiritual goals. I am attending Regent University pursuing a degree in Christian Ministry.

Spiritual Growing Season

My belief in the theological principles of God’s existence shapes my worldview and my spirituality. Moreover, I see the proof that God exists through my experiences and seeing God’s hand at work. Biblically, I rely on the promises made to me because I see the manifestation daily.

Growing up in church notably streamlined my current belief systems in the Trinity. My past in the world allowed me to see the necessity for God in my life. He is continually shaping who I am in Christ and how I look at the world. Through my Biblical worldview lenses, I can see things on a spiritual level and beyond the worldly realm, further allowing me to not rely upon myself, but instead, “cast[ing my] burden[s] on the Lord, and He will sustain [me]; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken” (Psalm 55:22 HCSB).

Out of my season of pain came a promise, and I began a ministry called “A Touch of Glitter, Inc.” (ATOG). I organized ATOG ministry to help young women grow in God, develop self-esteem and fulfill their God-given call. Prayer and scripture grow my faith as Romans 8:28-31 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Continuing Education

I plan on teaching at a Christian Day School after college and then getting a Master’s in Curriculum Development. From there, I want to write the curriculum for Christian School programs, women’s Bible Studies, Vacation Bible Schools, and everything in between. I plan on preaching The Gospel to nations and bringing souls to Christ to build the Kingdom. Eventually, I want to get a Doctorate degree. One of my ultimate goals in life is to become a Godly wife and mother.

There are more areas in which I need to grow. Coming from a place of such low self-esteem, I find myself being a little self-conscious at times. I quickly snap out of it and say a prayer. God is continually working on my heart and making me new every day. Knowing I am secure in Him is a reason I will continue to experience this spiritual growing season. I thank God every day for my pain and the trials I endured. Not because they were fun; but because He trusted me to see the purpose in my pain. He trusts me to turn it around and be the best me I can be.

I am also excited to be a student here at Christian Leaders Institute. In this growing season, CLI is helping me reach my ministry goals and to grow in the wisdom of God and His Word.

Learn about Ecuministry Ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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