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Grow Christianity – A Ten-Year Strategy to Empower 100,000,000 Christian Leaders

Executive Summary

The Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) embarks on a visionary strategy to empower 100,000,000 Christian leaders globally, representing approximately 4.35% of the 2.3 billion Christian population. With a foundation in providing accessible Christian education, CLI has already impacted 615,000 students in 200 nations since 2006. Most of this growth has come in the last seven years. Our strategy pivots on leveraging funding and technology, expanding educational offerings, and fostering a global community of Christian leaders.


In the context of an expanding global Christian community, there is an urgent need for accessible biblical and vital Christian leadership training. CLI’s strategic plan aims to address this need by expanding its reach and deepening its impact.

Matthew 24:14  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Current Landscape

CLI has already established a significant presence with 615,000 students across 200 nations. A budget of $2,000,000 has been allocated this year, with substantial investments in their Christian Leaders Development School and the Leadership Excellence School.

Ten-Year Strategy: Empowering 100,000,000 Leaders

1. Christian Leaders Development School: The Spearhead

  • Free Biblical Courses: Offer over 200 courses in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, and Ukrainian.
  • Reproducible Leadership Model: Encourage students to minister within their communities and replicate their training, expanding the CLI impact.

2. Christian Leadership Excellence School: Building Excellence

  • Degree Programs: Offer degrees supported by low fees, ensuring substantial accessibility to a large population segment. Fees are tiered to the economic conditions of specific nations. In developed countries, a bachelor’s degree costs $4,000. In developing nations, the price can be as low as $300.
  • Scholarships: Support students unable to bear administrative expenses, promoting inclusivity, including the economically disadvantaged.

3. Christian Leaders Alliance: Credentialing and Community

  • Ordination Path: Over 30 licensed and fully ordained roles to credential Christian leaders.
  • Soul Centers: Establish societies for fellowship, ministry, churches, and mentorship, creating a global network of Christian communities.
  • Engaging the Global Christian Community: Continue to develop strategic and informal connections with the existing infrastructure of Christianity globally, offering the courses and programs of the Christian Leaders Institute and Alliance.
  • Conferences and Meetings: “Occupy Heaven, Multiply Hope” conferences will start in California, Australia, New Zealand, Texas, and Florida, expanding to Africa and more U.S. locations.

Funding Strategy

  1. External Support: Foundations and individuals to fund course development, marketing, and operations, especially for non-English languages.
  2. Student Funding: Donations and fees to support global online operations and the Christian Development School.
  3. Multiplying Funding: Attract more growth funders, including foundations and individuals, to support the global Christian movement.

Implementation Plan

Short-Term Goals (2024-2025)

  • Onboard existing students into the Multiplying Christian Leaders Operating System.
  • Expand course offerings.
  • Develop organic and paid marketing strategies to attract new Christians called to leadership.
  • Secure new funding sources to reach 2,000,000 students by 2025, with a target marketing budget of $2,000,000 – $4,000,000.
  • Multiply the pool of credentialed ministers and quadruple the number of Soul Centers. Recruit teams of credentialed ministers to organize national plans to grow Christianity in their nations.
  • Pursue initial accreditation with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) as a correspondence institute to enhance the degree program.
  • Launch “Occupy Heaven, Multiply Hope” global conferences to engage the existing base in the multiplication strategy and develop a local minister volunteer movement. Develop a prayer movement in the Christian Leader’s community by recruiting prayer warriors at the conferences.

Mid-Term Goals (2026-2028)

  • Further expand course offerings, focusing on non-English languages, requiring a budget of $5,000,000 for full implementation.
  • Develop new funding sources to reach 20,000,000 students by 2028, with a funding goal of a marketing budget of $20,000,000 – $35,000,000.
  • Increase ordinations and credentialing through the Christian Leaders Alliance.
  • Broaden the scope of global conferences and community engagement with planning and implementation led by local Christian leaders.
  • Multiply the pool of credentialed ministers and quadruple the number of Soul Centers again. Continue to recruit teams of credentialed ministers to organize national plans to grow Christianity in their nations.
  • Achieve full accreditation with ABHE as a correspondence institute to strengthen the degree program further.

Long-Term Goals (2029-2033)

  • Continue to expand course offerings, particularly in non-English languages, and develop a Christian Leaders Academy for High Schoolers, with a funding requirement of $5,000,000.
  • Secure new funding sources to reach 80,000,000 students by 2033, necessitating a marketing budget of $80,000,000 – $120,000,000.
  • Expand the global reach of conferences and community engagement to be wholly owned and developed by local ministers.
  • Multiply the pool of credentialed ministers and quadruple the number of Soul Centers once more. Continue to recruit teams of credentialed ministers to organize national plans to grow Christianity in their nations.
  • Maintain full accreditation with ABHE to enhance the degree program continuously.


CLI’s vision to empower 100,000,000 Christian leaders is not just an ambitious dream; it is a strategic necessity for the growth and vitality of the global Christian community. Through our comprehensive strategy and dedicated execution, we aim to create a world where Christian leadership is accessible, reproducible, and impactful, contributing significantly to preaching the gospel to all nations.

Leaders produce more leaders & every donation made to CLI is directly invested into that process.

Since the initial launch of free courses in 2006, CLI & its supporters have turned 6 students into over 600,000 students.

These students have been empowered to reach more people with the gospel message. Support this movement with your donation today.

Click here to learn more about our donation-supported model.

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