Great Faith From Great Affliction

Kidega Johnson Henry lives in a place where suffering is often happening, Kidega gained great faith from great affliction and became involved in ministry.

My name is Kidega Johnson Henry, a Ugandan by nationality and an Acholi by a tribe. Ever since I was born, we’ve never had real peace. We experienced the most traumatizing, prolonged period of conflict and human rights abuses (more than any other regions in Uganda). This has been because of the players involved with different intentions, missions and expectations and these players include:
• The National Resistant Armies whose aims were to tear down the existing government.
• The historical Karamojong cattle rustlers/ warriors whose interest was and is still cattle rustling, property looting with killing people and raping young girls and women.
• The Alice Lakwena spiritual and political rebellion against NRM Government, which swept the greater part of northern Uganda more especially the Acholi region and resulted in the loss of lives and properties.
• The Lord Resistant Armies spiritual and political rebellion against NRM Government which significantly affected the whole northern region of Uganda.

The affliction has left Uganda and many people there in a terrible situation and in need of God.

One of the leading effects of the armed conflict in the region is poverty and increased unemployment for all. Not only has the areas household wealth been looted and destroyed in different insurgencies, but also the population income base has been destroyed. The population has been deprived of its primary source of income and livelihood. Today in the areas the main source of revenue for the population is underpaid causal labour especially digging, brewing, etc. which are mainly women and youth activities. The responsibility of looking after families has fallen heavily on women and youths since most men died in the war.

Kidega through all the suffering is yet thankful because it led him to being saved. Thus he has gained great faith from great affliction in his life.

This is just to give a bit of where I came from. I slept in the bush, slept under a veranda, went without food for days, was in a displaced camp. The psalmist said, “before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.” It was good for us to be afflicted so that we are saved. I gave my life to Jesus Christ because of the war on 02/06/2001.
I became an active member of Kit Gum Faith Mission Church, and in the church I was a praise and worship leader, an intercessor, a translator and a gospel preacher, by the grace of God. I saw the grace of God at work in my life since then. God started using me since 2001 up to this day. I saw many miracles, signs and wonders that God performed in people lives by his grace. As Jesus promised these signs will accompany those who believe, they will cast out demons in His name, they will speak in new tongues, they will place their hands upon the sick and the sick will recover, etc (Mark 16;15 – 18).

CLI is giving Kidega the opportunity to be more prepared for the dreams and position that God has given him.

I made a vow to the Lord while I was in trouble, with my lips I promised to serve the Lord all the days of my life. As long as life endures, I will fulfill my vow I made before I die. I know this training at CLI, if I completed successfully, will prepare me for the work God called me to do. Below are my dreams:
• I am dreaming to serve God as an international gospel preacher reaching out to lost souls through sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by the grace of God.
• To take good care of orphans, single mothers and widows by empowering them and training them with skills to earn a living. This would involve building a vocational training centre for them. I hate to see orphans, single mothers and widows suffering.
• To provide hospitality and care to servants of God by building Christian guest houses with international facilities for hosting international servants of God.
• I want to build a house of prayer and revival for all nations in my home town and several prayer centers in the northern part of Uganda.

Kidega great faith from great affliction has led him to be hopeful no matter the situation.

And I know that all my resolutions for days to come stands firm, my best days are still ahead of me. I will see the goodness of God Almighty in the land of the living. No eyes have seen; no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those that he loves, who are called according to his divine purpose.

Kidega also wants encouragement in his great faith from great affliction and his ministry.

All that I need you to do include:
• Pray for me.
• Help me with a full scholarship for Bible training. A man or woman of God should be well equipped for ministry. You can support me and even sponsor me. God will bless you.
• Support for building a prayer house, vocational training centre for equipping single mothers and widows, so that they can have better living and help their children.

Yours Sincerely,


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