Great Commission Training

Great Commission Training

I live in the U.S.A.  I don’t believe we as Christians face harsh treatment or persecution from the government. However, we can still feel rejected by our friends, co-workers, and family members. I came to know God through the love and reverence my dad showed for God as I grew up while he served as a pastor at two churches and while teaching at a school during the week. I am receiving Great Commission Training for the ministry.

This class at Christian Leaders Institute has strengthened my walk with God in many ways. Before this class, I realized that I had become a lazy Christian and had not been carrying out God’s work. I was sure I was disappointing him. During the reading topics, I came to understand that we are all called to know God’s Word, to be able to identify false doctrines and that we won’t be able to claim ignorance. In this Great Commission training for ministry, I began to read and study the Bible again for the first time in years. In just over two months, I have read through all the books of the New Testament with the exception of Matthew and Acts. I also challenged myself in the 7 connections through my walk. I now wake up each day with excitement to read and learn the word of God. I have begun to involve my daughter in my Bible reading and she is very interested in learning. My goal is to soon start a Bible study time with the whole family.

The word I would most associate myself with would be Evangelist because I want to spread the gospel, yet at this point, I would say I’m unprepared. I continue to pray and ask you for prayers as well, that God would help me overcome my struggles in sharing the gospel to my family, co-workers and the people I come into contact with every day. I hope that he would someday work through me to bring glory to his name, as I can feel the Holy Spirit transforming my mind, heart, and actions each and every day.

A problem that I would say is not unique to just my geographic location, but I have heard more and more frequently, is that someone is a believer yet they just choose not to go to church or read the Bible. I am trying to figure out how to approach these individuals with love and grace in my response. I see that this is a large problem that plagues our nation.

My mentor and pastor has been very encouraging through this first class at CLI and has answered questions and given me resources to use as I study. Others in the church continue to encourage and help explain passages and applications for my walk with the Lord. One person told me as I searched for books to read, that nothing can replace the daily reading of God’s Holy Word and to ask the Holy Spirit for understanding.

I want to thank CLI for giving me this opportunity and I pray that they will be blessed for walking along with God’s children as we grow and learn in His Word and carry out His Great Commission.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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