This Missouri Grandmother Studies to Be Ordained to Officiate a Niece’s Wedding.

Ellouise decided to study for Ordainment free with Christian Leaders Institute so she could officiate her nieces wedding. She has pressed toward God through abuse, alcohol and drugs and now as a responsible grandmother still strives to set examples. We are glad Christian Leaders Institute could help her study to become Ordained with the free scholarships we offer.

My name is Ellouise (Elly) Hughes. I am a wife, mother of two and grandmother of three. My husband and I live in Missouri, USA. Our daughter is a wonderful Christian wife and mother. Our son is a LCPL in the USMC stationed in Japan. (Lance corporal, LCpl, is the third enlisted rank in order of seniority in the U.S. Marine Corps). I have been encouraging him to study with Christian Leaders Institute as well. Our daughter went on to attend Christian College in Havilland, KS.

I was brought up with my father’s side of the family being Presbyterian and my mother going to a variety of churches ranging from Pentecostal to Methodist to Baptist and others. I was brought up being abused by a parent. I love my parents… They are the ones who created me and made me strong even if I didn’t see that back then. It took lots of praying and talking to God along with reading and studying the Bible daily to change my angry heart. My anger was removed and the tone in my voice changed. The way I viewed my world softened and I felt peace and happiness from studying the Bible and getting to know God deeper.

I have always believed in the Bible, prayer and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father I knew about. I thought I was a good person but at one point allowed alcohol and drugs to dominate my life. The life I was living was not the life that is described and desired by Jesus Christ. I always felt there was something more. I was never taught about Salvation. At 14 years of age I attended a Baptist church camp. It was at this camp I went to the altar and gave my heart to Christ. It took me another 10 years to figure out how to walk as a Christian. At the age of 24 I rededicated my life to the Lord. The rededication of my life was made publicly and I was baptized. After I was baptized I felt so cleansed. This was the first time I could remember telling my mother how much I loved her. Without God’s Grace I could not have done that. I have since raised my children in church with Christ and our children went to Christian schools. God also restored my marriage and by His Grace in May of 2014 we celebrate our 31st anniversary.

About a month ago I received a text message from my niece. Her text was asking me to officiate her wedding. I was overwhelmed with great joy and honor. I know I have to become ordained perform the service. I believe through this God is telling me to pursue mission or pastoral education while I study His word. Being ordained would mean more to me than just getting to perform their wedding. I want to study God’s word so I may share the truth of Jesus Christ and life everlasting. My family supports my studies and we see the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in many who are close to us.

A scholarship with Christian Leaders Institute is important because it will allow me to study no matter where I am. The courses are presented in a clear and direct manner which I am able to understand. It is with faith that I know the Holy Spirit will guide me while I study and God will place me and use me he wishes. The mission of CLI’s leaders and staff is clearly to bring God’s word to all areas of the world regardless of financial burdens.

I am still new to my church, but learning more each day. Each member is dedicated to an area of service and everyone works together to accomplish God’s work. Churches are abundant in the USA but so many do not have the right focus. I know God is calling out to the world in many ways to stop us from only being Christians on the surface. It is not about a religion. It is about a relationship with God the Father who sent his Son to die for us (me) and the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us every day. That is the truth God placed in my heart.

In years past I would never have pictured myself being at this place in my life. I do not know if my calling will be to ultimately plant something or if there is more for me to learn. Your prayers for guidance in my life, knowledge and understanding of the courses I am studying and the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide me to discern the truth a welcomed.


If you or someone you know has a testimony like this or like the many other hard working Christian leaders who study at Christian Leaders Institute we encourage signing up HERE! If it is your calling to support what we do here by donation please DONATE HERE. We are very blessed by the amount of sponsoring givers and student donations CLI receives regularly. Thank you for helping us provide these services for people like Ellouise…

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