gospel teacher

“I am so glad to find on the web this gracious free training for a gospel teacher through CLI. Wao! This is       it! Thank you my Lord! As I do not have means to pay for a good and high Christian leaders training.”        Ello Cleopas Taki, gospel teacher and student of CLI  

Gospel Teacher Welcomes CLI in Côte d’Ivoire for Ministry Training

I am Ello Cléopas TAKI, from Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. I am a lay Gospel teacher in my Church, but I sense the call to preach the word of God to people far from my town, in the bush, to deliver souls from the domination of evil and the power of satan.

I was born in a Methodist Church (1965) where my father (died 2005) was Choir Master and my mum (died 1968) a choir member. As a child my main game was to try a scene where I was a preacher and my friend a translator. Today, I notice that the simple game that I enjoyed was a “trap” that God made to lead me to ministry. On July 21, 1990, I met Jesus as my Savior and Lord and dedicated my whole life to him. Now I am founder of two small groups of believers who I teach the Word of The Lord.

My ministry dream is to make people become soul winners as I manage to win souls, leading them out of the traditional denominational religion to serve the Lord as disciples; organize seminars for ministers’ equipment and life to have success in ministry and church planting.
I consider I am a gospel teacher according to my call and the Lord leads me in those missions where I meet people I have never met before in the aim to plant churches and help them to worship Him.

The Lord told me one day of 2011 that I was worrying for my family and my children when the souls somewhere are going to perdition! I stopped my job (I was a cashier for Methodist Secondary schools) and went for a Gospel campaign in a small village where I preached to people.
My Local Church gives me no support for that. All my means are from God who called me. My children (2 boys and 1 girl) go to school at my charge. My wife stays with them when I go for missions.

With your prayers, I will sustain the new believers so that they can stay tuned the more closely to the Lord.

Train To Become A Gospel Teacher

With inspiration and leading on our hearts to prosper the Kingdom of God, become a Gospel Teacher and preach the Good News! Christian Leaders Institute can help fulfill your calling with our high quality classes given online for free! Yes! 100% free. Click here to start your journey as a Gospel Teacher for the Lord. Be a part of the CLI family as we bring revival across the world.

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