Gospel Purpose

Gospel Purpose: My Walk With God

My name is Tambay Obenson Lyonga Mbi and I have gospel purpose in my life. I am 25 years old. I am Cameroonian by nationality but presently I am residing in Turkey for studies. I am a young guy who is really passionate for God and as it is, and as time passes by, my passion increases by the day.

I just recently moved to Turkey, but while in Cameroon I was one of the leaders in the Youth Ministry at my church the Full Gospel Mission Cameroon. I have a serious interest in the youth ministry because they are the future of the church, and I believe that it is a very decisive period in the life of every man and woman. They are faced with life-changing decisions while they are busy finding themselves. I have been a victim of certain things and made wrong choices, and if it hadn’t been for the Lord on my side, my life would have been completely ruined.  For this reason, I  intend to give back to the youths what I received: Jesus Christ and Gospel Purpose!

I always wanted to expand my knowledge in Christ. For myself and also for dealing with very inquisitive and searching youths. I always wanted to be better equipped. I searched for this opportunity online daily until God guided me to this wonderful family at Christian Leaders Institute. I have been blessed all the way from my very first step here. I have Gospel purpose! A big thank you! My hopes in ministry are alive like never before.

As to my background, I am the first child born into a family of seven. Things were good. It seemed like I had an already mapped out life. My dad was a contractor and my mum a teacher. Life was pretty amazing. I was doing well in school with big dreams of becoming a petroleum engineer. I grew up in a Christian home. We always went to church, and I grew up like every regular church kid. I always felt there was something different about me but couldn’t lay hold on what that was.

The initial plan was that once I graduated from high school I would go abroad and further my studies to become a petroleum engineer. After I graduated from high school, one fateful morning my dad had a case in court. He went to court and never came back. When I got to my mum she said he wasn’t coming back for a long time. I found out he was set up and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment with all his accounts frozen.

In the twinkle of an eye, everything that seemed to be a well mapped out life became a nightmare. My world shattered. I couldn’t go to school and could barely survive. I felt like I lost everything. At this point, I had to believe in something. I went to God because my mind was flooded with questions upon questions. I lost it at some points.

This down moment brought me closer to God. He opened my eyes to a regularly used word yet so profound, PURPOSE. I didn’t see engineering anymore, I started seeing the hope to which was called. It stopped being about engineering, and it started being about Jesus. The more I knew Him the more I wanted to know. I didn’t have much but I felt rich. I felt the call so strong but I was battling with it for years.

As the days went by the burden increased. I decided to give myself to the Holy Spirit. I became a leader in the Youth Ministry in my church. After a few months, I was appointed as a leader in my district. Serving God gave me fulfillment like nothing else. It turned my life around and gave me Gospel purpose. Being the firstborn, the pressure to succeed and support my family was a weight around my neck. The reason for this is my parents are pushing me towards a career though my path is different. I am grateful for this opportunity to study to have a degree here at Christian Leaders Institute since I have no sponsor. Once again, A BIG THANK YOU!

The major challenge I am facing is the fact that though I am from a Christian home, being the firstborn, my parents have expectations different from what God has designed for me. They want me to be the financial brain of the family while God has called me into a course greater than myself. Now I am more than ready to fulfill this Gospel purpose.

I want to return to my country by 2020, well equipped like never before. Many of the youth have wallowed in frustration, joblessness, alcohol, sexual immorality, etc. because of the lack of purpose. The major reason for unemployment is because we have not tapped into our God-given abilities. If we all dig into our unique purpose, there will be more jobs, fulfillment, satisfaction, and peace. I believe no man can find himself on his own. That’s why I want to communicate the gospel in my nation. I want to inspire hope by presenting Christ and His redemptive work. I want to start up a youth movement that will visit schools, orphanages, and communities all over the nation that will bring a serious revival in our land. This movement will empower young entrepreneurs, ministers of the Gospel, Gospel Artists, academic Support, counseling, mentorship, etc. to build up giants that will witness Christ in these End Times.

CLI is God’s gift to me, and I want to thank the President of CLI, the entire staff, and of course, those who help to make this training free. You have fired up my bones and helped me see light at the end of the tunnel! Thank You and God bless you!

Read how you and Obenson can become Ordained to do God’s work at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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