God’s Calling: From why me, God; to why not me, God

God’s Calling

My name is Andre Wagner, and I am answering God’s calling on my life. I am 46 years old and married to Renelle. God blessed us with two beautiful children: Nicola (14) and Christian (8). We live in Pretoria, South Africa. Both of us are English and Afrikaans speaking, and we grew up in Christian homes. Going to church every Sunday is our tradition. Looking back, we were under the impression if my parents are Christians, and I go to church. Therefore, I am a Christian and saved.

Early Life and Marriage

When I was 13, my parents divorced due to my Dad having an affair and leaving us. I stepped up, as my brother was only nine at the time. Soon, I began to isolate myself from getting too close to people. I asked God, “Why me? Why us?” My mother prayed and trusted God. When I look back, I now see her prayers and belief in God our Rock, as He provided for us on her small salary. I know she also prayed for us.

I studied at University. However, I let the freedom get the best of me and partied hard. I was not a rebel but flunked my third year, which meant I wasted money and time.

I met Renelle in 1996 for the first time. However, we started dating in 1999 and got married in 2001. We never went to church. At that time, I was working on a coal mine 24/7. In 2004, we moved to Botswana. I used the hypocrites of the church as an excuse not to go. I knew when I had trouble to call on God for help. He kept His promises and guided us safely back to South Africa at the end of 2013.

God’s Calling in Everyday Life

I became more and more aware of God in everyday life and blessings upon us. Somehow, I thought that the money I was earning would replace the unhappiness Renelle and I experienced in our marriage. But it didn’t!

I was reading my Bible regularly and praying but still did not attend church. One evening at the beginning of 2017, I read the Bible, and it jumped at me that I need fellowship in Christ to grow as a Christian. I summoned the family to church that Sunday. We attended the Dutch Reformed Church, which was where Renelle and I attended as children and what we knew. Although I grasped every word and was looking for any message, the ambiance and rituals had the kids bored and dead inside. It was the same for Renelle.

Renewal in Christ and God’s Calling through Struggles

In February 2018, I experienced God’s hand in my life. I was under attack from the enemy via the media and financially as our business was struggling to keep afloat. I proclaimed Jesus Christ as my Saviour, confessed my sins, and became an heir of God. We attended a new church, 3CI, during this time, and each Sunday the message from the pulpit was for Renelle and me. We wept as God was stirring in our spirits and working in us. Our kids were excited to see what Jesus had in store every Sunday, and our weekend lives changed. God worked on my faith and took me through the attacks and rescued me from the financial burdens. He provided new opportunities as the old doors closed.

Still, I was searching for more; for God to show me more of Himself. Towards the end of 2018, I felt total peace as I went to church, and the peace of God was with us. We worshipped and praised God for all He did for us and continues to do.

The Turning Point to Surrender to God’s Calling

On June 30, 2019, while on a family holiday in Spain, the Spanish Guardia Civil arrested me. There was an Interpol notice issued on my name. Within minutes, my world changed, and so did my family’s world. I had no communication with Renelle or anyone. I was locked up in this country, alone and helpless, not knowing where the charges came from or what they were.

Renelle rallied friends, and they prayed to God for His interference in the charged atmosphere and for a person to speak English. I spent hours in conversation with God quoting scripture, singing worship songs, and remembering men of the Bible whom God helped and never forsook. Miracles occurred, people’s attitudes changed, the atmosphere changed, and I was spoken to in English. Within 36 hours, I was released.

This event changed our lives! It strengthened my relationship with Renelle, making our marriage stronger than ever before. Our kids saw the power of prayer and our belief in God Almighty. We will never be the same!

God’s Calling Leads to Christian Leaders Institute

From July 1, 2019, to July 31, 2019, we have been engaging with God through the Bible and prayer. We ask Him to rescue me from this situation as it still has not been resolved. God is faithful, and He will fight on our behalf and save me from the hands of the enemy.

On July 31 at six o’clock in the morning, the Holy Spirit said to me, “Andre, you have 17 months, which I have provided for you. Why do you not use it for ME?” I am still praying on the where, but I am starting to equip myself to advance the Gospel of Jesus. I am doing that by taking the free ministry training classes here at Christian Leaders Institute. Praise God for this excellent opportunity! As to God’s calling me and where He wants to use me, I am trusting God every step of the way.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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