My name is Matthew Saunders and I am from the United States. God is calling me in to the ministry field to serve his kingdom. I was raised in the church but at age 17 I walked away from it.

Many in the church I was attending were hypocrites. As many in the churches today are. They are what I like to call Sunday christians. I believe that God is calling me to the ministry to promote a true revival in my area. I came back to the Lord after I suffered a tragic accident.

I then became very active in my church. Several of the leading men there asked me if I hsd thought about going in to the ministry field. I replied no not really. God opens doors that no one can shut and shuts doors no one can open.

God opened the door for me especially when I found Christian Leaders Institute. I had looked in to the local bible college but was unable to afford to go there. With CLI I am able to recieve the same high quality learning as any other college without he expence of a traditional college. Praise God for CLI and the work they do so everyone who is called may further the kingdom of God. My hope is that there will be a great revival that leads the world back to God. I am excited to do my part in it. I will follow where ever God leads me.

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