I’m a woman of forty nine years. Married with three children, my husband is a military officer. I was employed and worked for nineteen years, and I decided to stop because I felt my service is most needed on the field where God’s people are working. The nineteen years that I worked, ten years was used preaching in my church till I stopped the work and still do till now. My children are between the ages of fifteen and nine years and they are still in school.

I am a Ghanaian. Ghana is located in west Africa, and I am living with my family in the Northern part of Ghana. Ghana as a whole has a very large population of Christians and we have freedom of worship. The only thing Ghanaians need are the true word of God or the true Gospel. The Northern part where I live is Muslim-dominated, for that reason is very difficult to convert a Muslim to Christianity, but now that I have acquired this knowledge from Christian Leaders Institute I am trusting God to give me different direction concerning that issue.

My parents played a very big important role in my life with regards to coming to know God. They both were dedicated Christians and they brought up my sisters and I in the same way they were brought up. I am first among seven girls my parents put the fear of God in us through the morning and evening devotions they were having with us whilst growing and our regular Sunday church attendance.

Christian Leaders Institute is a great blessing from God to me and my family because most of the courses were discussed by the entire family. CLI has given me a strong foundation of family life and as a student, I am so much equipped with high education I had in CLI.

The teaching I received together with my calling has given me a very strong confidence and assurance that the Lord is answering my prayers. I thank everybody in CLI so much for the good works you are doing and may the good Lord bless you and your donors.

In Ghana, we have only two institutions that recognize graduates from those institution as those qualified to be ordained so even if you have masters from other institutions in the world, unless you go back to Trinity College before you can be ordained as a minister i.e the Protestants, and Catholic you have to go Catholic Seminaries. Aside these two institutions, it is only few Churches that have their bible schools that they train their members to become Pastors. For this reason anyone at all can make himself a pastor and these people are making business with Christianity in Ghana. Christ is no longer preached, it is only prosperity. The Church, as the body of Christ is not recognized.

For these reasons, knowing that I have acquired high quality education in Diploma courses, I prayed for about six months for God’s guidance in this issue and He actually heard my prayers and directed me to the leaders of different denominations including these national churches which will not have anything to do with me if not God’s intervention and on that day, the body of Christ, believers from different denominations would come together and from there I know the Lord would open and Christ would be preached and they would be interested in my ministry “Presenting Christ”. I am asking God to continue connecting me to those leaders so that Christianity in Ghana will not be only a religion, but that we’ll be believers desiring to know God and His plan for Humanity. Aside “Presenting Christ” I have started a women ministry where I am trying to help women whose marriages are not doing well and also thinking of the youth who have gone wayward.

As I noted earlier on, the people in my geographical area are mostly Muslims with a very large land, so beside the regional capital the rest of the area is scattered settlement with very poor road networks. I am so grateful to my local church to discover my gift of preaching and the prayer support they have given me through my studies, they give me the platform to speak to the women and the youth in the church and this has been so helpful to me.

I want to share this because my passion for marriage has been so great that when I hear of a divorce it makes me sad. Even though I have been born and brought up in a Christian home, it was in my marriage that I had encountered with Christ. As it was my husband God prepared to shape up my whole life, he was very outgoing and could spend several hours outside home and living me alone in the house and this went on for a very long time in our marriage. This could have caused me to live the marriage because my colleagues around us started complaining. Before I married I told God to keep me in my marriage so I started praying for my husband and myself and God heard my prayers and now we are so happy in our marriage to see ourselves as one of best couples in the world. I thank God for what His has done for us.

I will like to confess that this training has made me a very new person, because it has actually affected every part of my life, my intellectual ability, spiritual life and my social life and I know these are going to reflect in my ministry’s future and making it a God glorifying ministry .

It is very important to pray for each other so I want prayer support for God to make Himself great in my life and ministry. May God bless Christian Leaders Institute.

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