Ghana Christian Leader Training

Ghana Christian Leader Training

Hi, my name is Keith Essel Arthur and I am receiving Ghana Christian leader training with CLI. I’m from Ghana and I love my country very much. Being a leader in God’s house has been amazing, it has served as a place to know God very well and attend to His people. My parents introduced me to God right from birth and I praise God for giving me the opportunity. Even though I have been going to church all my life, and knew that Jesus should come into my heart, I openly gave my life to Christ in Senior High School. I was used to church but I wasn’t too sure if I had the right relationship with God. That was a life-changer. After that incident, I called home to thank my parents for taking me to church and showing me the things of God.

My spiritual dream is to be like Christ and be in His Kingdom when He returns. I was made in His image and likeness and so there’s no other place for me but to be with Him. As a believer and a leader in God’s house, I had to face diverse separations. It was a platform God used and is still using to raise me and build me for His Kingdom. Every child of the King requires training, therefore, I must go through the things He has set for me.

The Bible says in John 15 that apart from Me (Jesus Christ) you can do nothing. In other words, anything done without Christ is nothing. This is important for everyone on this planet, especially believers. Our walk with God has nothing to do with what we can do but with what His Spirit leads and provides. My dream is that people will walk with God as He wants and desires.

Christian Leaders Institute is a great opportunity that cannot be mishandled. I believe strongly that it is inspired by God to teach many. Jesus Christ, when leaving the earth said we should go out and baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, making disciples of all nations. CLI is a platform designed to teach and raise disciples for God. I am thankful for the Ghana Christian leader training I am receiving at CLI.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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