Further Ministry Training
A Modern Day Jonah
My name is David. I am a student at the Christian Leaders Institute for further ministry training after running from God like Jonah for many years.
My Story
I grew up in a Christian family in the tiny Northland town of Kaikohe, New Zealand, and in the “big smoke” of Auckland. It feels like I’ve always had a relationship with Jesus. I was born again when I was eight and baptized in water and the Holy Spirit at 15. After a short time, I met a friend whose parents had a house church, so I attended there. I learned about the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy, tongues, and interpretation.
Then, one Wednesday night, I forgot that we, as a house church, were to see an internationally known ministry. So I arrived at an empty house. I went home and instead watched TV with the rest of the family. Then, I went to my room and read the book of Jonah.
My Dream
I had a vivid dream of being Jonah, running from delivering God’s message. I remember in the dream being on the boat during the storm and everybody throwing all unnecessary things off. They drew lots, and of course, the lot fell on me, so they asked who I was. I said, “I am a prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I’m running from Him.” As they threw me off the boat, my dream turned into a vision of Green Bay in Auckland.
I did a few years of ministering after that time in a range of settings: house church, youth leader, larger churches, on the streets, and in prison. But this is where my life parallels Jonah; I lost my way in ministry and life. I remained a Christian, but an unfulfilled one, knowing God had a call for me.
I moved to Queensland, Australia, where many unfulfilled New Zealanders go to “find themselves.” I met a girl. We got married and have three children. However, I kept trying to find my place in all the wrong places. After many mistakes, my wife and I divorced. I continued on my downhill slide until I found myself in my car at the edge of a cliff. The engine ran as I contemplated driving off. “The world is better off without me,” I reasoned. The Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me do it, but that doesn’t mean my death wish was over.
Called by God and Further Ministry Training at CLI
Allow me to cut out some years in the belly of the big fish and say I am now 60 years old and living in Tasmania, Australia. While looking for a place to fellowship, I met a man who knew he was to pray for someone that day. So I allowed him to pray for me. Nothing dramatic happened, but I knew God touched me in a way I hadn’t known for some time.
Since I started attending that man’s church, I’ve heard God’s voice again, calling me to ministry. So, here I am for further ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute. I want to go further in my ministry study than I did before and serve where God leads me!
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When you log in to the Learning Platform, you will notice that the Getting Started Class automatically appears on your dashboard.
The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform and the Programs offered, including:
- Ministry Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas with the Christian Leaders Institute.
- College Degrees with the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
- Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities.
Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.
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