Further Ministry Study at CLI
My name is Daniel Fritz of the United States of America, and I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute for further ministry study (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I am 37 years old and married to Victoria for 17 years. We have two wonderful children.
I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness. While I received a very good knowledge of the scriptures as a child, I never felt close to God. So, with reservation and under pressure, I was baptized at the age of 14. My teen years introduced me to depression. I struggled into adulthood with feelings of worthlessness and anxiety that I could never be good enough to gain God’s favor or forgiveness for my sins.
Something Was Missing
As my wife and I welcomed our second child into the world, I knew something was missing spiritually. Therefore, I made a final attempt at being a Jehovah’s Witness. One day, while I reading the Bible, a phrase in the scriptures I read and heard all my life took on new meaning. It was “undeserved kindness.” I pulled out a copy of the KJV and read the same scripture rendered “grace.” Instantly, I knew this was the missing link. Salvation and favor were not earned by hours in ministry work. Nothing I could ever do would earn what was freely given in Jesus’ sacrifice.
So, I left the Jehovah’s Witnesses soon after that. I started exploring local churches that upheld my very conservative views. Eventually, I settled on Hanover First Church of God. I rejoiced for the first time in the birth of Christ. I had my first communion. Further, I came to understand the divine Trinity. On my first Easter Sunday service and my second Communion, I gave my life to Christ free of pressure and with great joy!
Ministry Calling and Study at CLI
As time progressed, my wife and mentor encouraged me to share my experience and use it to further the Lord’s work. Recently, while reading a Bible story to my son, God called me. The Biblical account was of the apostles arguing about who was greatest. Jesus used the comparison to little children. Suddenly, I was flooded with past conversations and knew I was ready, with God’s help, to share my experience and help others.
The message I most want to express is that there is a value God gives to every person regardless of our actions. He has provided a means of forgiveness for our sins through Christ. That forgiveness is freely given. How empowering for anyone going through hard times, addiction, depression, anxiety, abuse, homelessness, hopelessness, and the list goes on and on. I have started my ministry journey by volunteering with a local homeless ministry.
Finding the Christian Leaders Institute for free ministry training is a blessing! Further ministry study will prepare me for my calling from God. I am so excited for what the future holds for everyone as God’s purposes unfold!