Further Leadership Development


Further Leadership Development at CLI

Greetings, my name is Kimberly Hannah, and I am receiving further leadership development at CLI. Originally from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, I now live in Norristown, Pennsylvania. My family and I have lived in Pennsylvania for the past nine years. I am married to my good and godly husband, Curtis, for over 25 years. We have three beautiful children: Rachael, Jenae, and Danaek.

Schooling and Ministry

In 1994, I completed my 2-year nursing diploma at the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology (SIAST). So, I became a Registered Nurse (RN) after my exams in August of that year. I obtained a Poetry Laureate from The International Library of Poetry in 2008. I continue to love to commune with the Lord through poetry. This passion for writing poetry began in childhood.

From 2008 – 2009, I completed a distance learning course with Light University “Breaking Free” in the area of Christian counseling. From 2015 – 2017, I completed two years of training and received my Inner Healing and Prayer Ministry Certificate through Elijah House.

I also participated in and, at times, led within a small group arena. This arena includes Celebrate Recovery, Keys to Loving Relationships Marriage Group Study (Smalley Institute), Women’s Leadership Network (WLN), and Freedom in Christ Ministries (Neil Anderson). I also had the honor of working with the “Love Lives Here” Bus Ministry, an outreach to those trapped in prostitution and street life.  Multiple mission trips to Guatemala and one to Mexico were also done.

Struggles in my Youth

My heart had much inner turmoil as a child with the divorce of my parents at age three. Until I was about ten years old, I kept secret the years of emotional abuse from an unwell adult. That abuse allowed the enemy to tempt me to believe many lies about God, myself, my parents, and other vital relationships.

Through many years of godly counseling, Elijah House’s inner healing ministry, and renewing of my mind through Freedom in Christ ministries, I have had much healing – praise be to God! I continue to pursue that ongoing call to surrender to the Lord’s sanctification work within me. I am very thankful for my Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He leads me into all truth, lovingly convicts me, encourages me, and never leaves me.

I have a blended family. After my parent’s divorce, my mom remarried, and I grew up with her and my stepfather. They had one daughter, my baby sister, whom I love dearly. My father lived with a woman for many years, and they had my two brothers, who I infrequently saw as we grew up. The disconnect from my biological father and his side of the family has had a significant impact on my life.

Salvation at a Young Age

At nine years old, my mother and I went to an evening church service, and that night both gave our hearts and lives to our Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Christ flooded my heart and began breaking through all the trauma and lies of my childhood. My life has never been the same. I am always aware of the reality of the Lord, no matter what season of life I find myself in. Mountaintop or valley, He’s my ever-present reality. I have the complete joy of walking with our Lord since that time.

As a teen, the Lord told me that I would not spend my whole life in my home country of Canada. He had a call on my life for missions and ministry from a young age. I went on my first mission trip to Mexico at age 18. Since then, I have co-lead mission teams with my husband to Guatemala on many occasions in our earlier years of marriage. Since having children, I have been the one to remain home in this season, but have supported my husband to go on short-term missions to Guatemala and India.

Work Experience

I worked as an RN for many years in the areas of neurosurgery, general medical/surgical floors, geriatrics, and hospice care. I stayed home with our children during different seasons, as well as homeschooled our kids for almost seven years. Currently, I am the Church Life Administrator (CLA) at our home church. My husband and I lead the prayer team, have served as elders, as well as facilitated a Friday Night Fellowship every other week. We love seeing people maturing in Christ through inner healing and deliverance ministry, serving with the Body, as well as discipleship through missions.

Further Leadership Development at CLI

I am excited to join the Christian Leaders Institute! CLI presents a superb opportunity to further my leadership development and personal study of God’s Word! At present, we have our eldest daughter in university, and our two younger ones are in a private Christian school. With all the education costs as we invest in our children, I am unable to take ministry training studies without it being generosity-driven. My calling would be delayed many years until we could afford to pay for courses of this caliber. To say that I am grateful for this opportunity would be an understatement!

Some key ministry-calling scriptures the Lord has put on my heart that have driven my passion for seeing the Body come to fullness and maturity in Christ are Ephesians 3:14-21 and Isaiah 61:1-3. I am eager to mature in Christ and be transformed by His amazing love and grace. I want to see His Body do so as well. By His grace, I will grow ever deeper in intimacy with Him and grow in a deeper understanding of accurately handling the Word of Truth during this season at CLI.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my life and testimony. The Lord bless you and keep you.

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