Full-Time Ministry Call

Training at CLI for My Full-Time Ministry Call

Hi, I am Doug Cremer, and I am receiving free ministry training at CLI for my full-time ministry call. I live in Durban, South Africa. I was born on September 2, 1950, in Zimbabwe and grew up attending both Sunday School and Youth Group. During that time, I never decided to accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

Salvation Vision

Then at age 21, while serving in the Army, I was in a fierce firefight. While going to ground to change my weapon magazine, I suddenly experienced a vision. During this time, it was as though a giant movie screen appeared before me. I saw every instance that I attended church and that I had an opportunity to accept Christ, but did not. At the end of the vision, I heard a voice ask plainly, “How do you plead?” I responded, “Guilty!” And the vision ended.

On this day, God became real in my life. I believe that if I responded differently, God would have allowed my life to end then and there. I thank God for His grace and mercy! Not long after that, I was invited to a Sunday evening meeting at a Full Gospel Church in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. After the sermon, I had an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and accepted. A few weeks later, I was baptized in water. Then not long after that, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave me utterance.

The greatest lesson I think I learned is that God knows what we need, but we must still ask Him. I always thought it was automatic, and when it didn’t happen, I couldn’t understand. Now, I see God working in many ways and places!

Full-Time Ministry Call

Over the years, the Holy Spirit has gifted me with at least two of His nine gifts, as outlined in 1 Corinthians chapter 9. Although I have sought Father God about full-time ministry, somehow, this seems to be what God wanted. However, it did not happen immediately

I labored on the mission fields of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa in the past, assisting a Canadian missionary organization based in Durban, South Africa. Their mandate was to help orphanages and teach the Bible in these countries. Sadly, this outreach was forced to close due to the lack of financial support. This closure forced me to return to the commercial sector for employment. I continued there until 2015 when I was suddenly retrenched due to my age of 65.

For the past four years, I have been seeking Father God for further purpose and direction. I am where I am supposed to be for the moment, praise God. My spiritual dream is to be part of God’s latter-day outpouring on the Earth. I am to speak His word with boldness and authority.

Free Ministry Training at CLI to Prepare for My Full-Time Ministry Call

I thank God for Christian Leaders Institute. I regret that I was unaware of CLI’s existence until about May of this year (2019). During an internet search for a high school video lesson I was producing, I came upon a webpage that offered ‘Free Classes’ in Christian ministry. I suddenly found myself with this incredible opportunity. I can obtain a recognized qualification without the costs at CLI.

This idea was unbelievable to me. Initially, my thoughts were that this was just another ‘Certificate’ scam. However, many hours later, I can assure any reader that this is not the case. This training is the real deal. So, thank you, CLI. Besides the fact of free Christian education, I love the solid ‘foundation’ that I am getting now. Well done, CLI, this is awesome.

CLI Trained for My Full-Time Ministry Call

One of the first prophetic words I received was to look in the Bible and find the place that God had prepared for me. I traveled to many countries and worked with numerous activities in pursuit of that goal. I wish CLI had been there from the beginning. A lifetime of running around would have been averted.

In closing, I believe the training that I am getting now will set me up to complete God’s purpose and calling for my life. Nothing else matters. God bless CLI for helping to make this possible.

Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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