Free Zambia Ministry Training – Edwin’s Story

Zambia student, Edwin enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to receive free Zambia ministry training for a better understanding of how to effectively cater to those in his community through ministry. Here is his story…

Free Ministry Training in Zambia Changes Edwin’s Life

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. My name is Edwin, am a Zambian staying in lusaka. I. am the sixth child from a family of eight.

I am a husband and father to two young boys. Currently, I am working part time. I was brought up in a Catholic home both my parents, and grandparents were Catholic. So it was spiritual Battle for when I got saved I had received opposition from members of my family because of my decision to serve Christ. Regardless of the many challenges I have faced I have chosen to believe and put my trust in God. There have been times that I felt like giving up, but I know that his. Grace is more than enough to carry me through.

Recently I had a confirmation of the calling into the ministry, that’s how come I came across Christian leaders institute.

I am involved in church ministery. When I got saved I served in the church library, then assistor small group leader served in the youth ministry as one of the leaders. Currently am serving in media ministry and intercession. I also minister in church as the Lord permits.

Having studied the introduction course with Christian leaders institute, I realized that the need for me to study further so that I minister effectively with knowledge and understanding. With the education, I will get from Christian leaders institute I intend to reach out even more people I will be in a position asked questions that I had failed answer before.


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